Help with Microsoft Graph Customer Connector


I'm having trouble getting an access token when calling microsoft graph through the custom connector builder. I can successfully connect using postman, but not the connector builder unless I input the token and code directly into the authentication script.

Trying the following config:


//This logging is here for testing! Remove before publishing your connector
DOMO.log('accesstoken: ' + metadata.account.accesstoken);
DOMO.log('code: ' + metadata.account.code);

if (metadata.account.accesstoken) {
else {
auth.authenticationFailed('Authentication has failed.');


OAuth 2.0

Client Key: made in azure

Client Secret: made in azure

Authorization URL:

Additional Authorization Parameters (Optional): response_type=code

Acess Token URL:

Access Token Request Method: POST

Additional Acess Token Parameters (Optional): response_mode=query

Scope: openid%20

I have the redirect url put into azure:


When I click "get access token" and then "run script", it comes back with "access token: undefined", but gives me a code. I'm thinking there is something wrong with my "additional authorization parameters" or "additional access token parameters", but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm very new to making API calls.

Best Answer

  • Figauro
    Figauro Member
    Answer ✓

    There was a problem with the IDE and domo third party connector fixed the issue.


    Edit: spelling


  • Figauro
    Figauro Member

    There was a problem with the IDE and domo third party connector help fixed the issue.

  • Figauro
    Figauro Member
    Answer ✓

    There was a problem with the IDE and domo third party connector fixed the issue.


    Edit: spelling

  • Simon_King



    I am also trying to build an Azure connector, with no joy.  What value did you use for the Client Key as I cant find that terminology in the Azure app.  



  • Simon_King

    I am not getting back an access token or code, I suspect the Azure config. Is there any guidance on how the Azure app should be set up?

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