lesienebrecount Contributor


  • We have seen this before as well, if I run into it again I will take a few screenshots and add them to this post. I don't think I have run into it for a while now. We would however love the option to remove an entire color from the accent color scheme options (for example, one of our theme colors is a deep blue. While it…
  • Hey There! I can maybe shed a little light on some of this. 1.) This is definitely something we run into on occasion that we don't love. I suspect the indicator card on the right is slightly smaller due to having 7 characters in your percentage (104.25%) whereas the card to the left of it has 6 characters (99.75%). If not…
    Various visual tweaks lesienebrecountによるコメント 11/19
  • Do we have any updates on this request? We have a few use cases where this is an roadblock for us as well. Thanks all!
  • If this request is focused around being able to export from a card, to Google sheets rather than a whole page, then yes please! We are a pretty die-hard Google shop on our end, and we have had a lot of request from our users to be able to export into a Google sheet rather than to Excel. Would love to see that as an option.
  • Thanks, Ben!
  • Can confirm with original post, the quick filter order does not match the sort order dictated within the analyzer. We do have many similar instances where it would be super helpful to display the most recent dates at the top of the filter. It isn't the biggest deal to scroll, but it is an experience enhancement that would…
  • We would definitely love the opportunity to bulk delete as well. Or auto-delete posts that are a certain age. For us, Buzz is a tool for the users to communicate and share, but it is not utilized as our support communications tool, which can muddy up the instance when a user floods the buzz feed with usage and access…