ggenovese Contributor


  • If you use a Rank & Window tile in your ETL you can apply the DENSE RANK function to rank on MoveDate descending and partition by the Unit Id. This should give you a Rank of 1 for the most recent date and then you can add a filter to filter for Rank = 1
  • In that case you could use a Rank & Window tile in Magic ETL, using a Lag or Lead you can offset the prior month value onto the current months row so that you can calculate the variance
  • Trying to apply a number format in a beast mode can be limiting, especially if you want to comma separate the thousands. It might be beneficial to restructure your data in an ETL so that Revenue and Sales are in their own columns.
    formatting in a table ggenoveseによるコメント 10/21
  • I prefer the way your data is currently structured, and I don't think it's necessary to pivot it in an ETL. The fastest way you can get a month over month variance, with your existing structure, would be to use a period over period card.
  • You might want to try selecting the "Offset by pages" option and then "No" in the pagination configuration, where it asks if the data contains the total number of pages, that has worked for me in the past. This works if you get a NULL response when you get to the last page, the connector will stop trying to keep fetching…
  • This is interesting, I did a test using the Domo Dimensions Calendar dataset using this variance beast mode: ( -- current value count(`d`) - -- previous value LAG( count(`d`)) over( Partition by `dayName` ORDER BY MONTH(`dt`)) ) / -- previous value LAG( count(`d`)) over( Partition by `dayName` ORDER BY MONTH(`dt`)) And I…
  • You could use an HTML table and then create a beast mode that pulls in an image of a checkmark CASE WHEN `myBool` then CONCAT('<div style="text-align:center"><img height="20px"…
  • Hi - your original beast mode was missing the second aggregation, you needed SUM(SUM(… CASE WHEN SUM(SUM(CASE WHEN `Ready Status` = 'No' AND `Previous Ready Status` = 'Yes' AND `Previous Ready Status` IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) OVER (PARTITION BY `Case Number` ORDER BY `Case Number`) = 1 THEN '1 Time' WHEN…
  • Using the example data you provided I am getting a deduped SUM of 1,600 using the beast mode I provided earlier, if I add a total row it also evaluates to 1,600. Not sure why it isn't working for you. Going back to my earlier question, I'm curious what your DAX calculation would evaluate to if you were to add a Product D…
    Sum distinct ggenoveseによるコメント 10/16
  • The DISTINCT expression in your DAX code is going to return a deduped list of qty values correct? Let's say for example, two items A & B both have a qty of 5, wouldn't the DAX code give you a total of 5 rather than 10? I don't know DAX so I want to make sure I'm interpreting that correctly.
    Sum distinct ggenoveseによるコメント 10/15
  • Hi - when an item code is repeated, is the qty always the same corresponding value?
    Sum distinct ggenoveseによるコメント 10/14
  • I feel that there is still a use case for recursive dataflows when your data does not have a unique identifier. In order to perform and UPSERT operation you need to have a unique key, but a recursive doesn't have this limitation.
    Upsert ggenoveseによるコメント 10/11
  • Assuming your data looks kind of like this, where the same product qty is repeated within a year then this beast mode will dedupe and sum by product and year: SUM(MAX(`qty`) FIXED (by `product`,`year`))
    Sum distinct ggenoveseによるコメント 10/11
  • There are a number of ways to handle this, but the easiest might be to simply use MAX or AVG rather than SUM
    Sum distinct ggenoveseによるコメント 10/10
  • You can do this in a beast mode by starting with the number of days in the month then subtract the number of sundays and half of the saturdays and mondays: -- calculate the number of business days in month given a date (`dt`) in that month -- start with # of days in month day(LAST_DAY(`dt`)) -- subtract half of the…
  • Highlighting doesn't work on all card types unfortunately. You can see in my screenshot below when I hover over "Friday" in my upper left table card, it highlights the Friday bar on the bar chart but not on the other table card. Another approach would be to use a variable, where the variable selection would highlight a row…
  • In regard to the dataLastUpdated, I'm seeing the same thing on my side. A workaround might be to add last_updated to the filter of your search. "filters": [ { "filterType": "facetValue", "field": "tag", "value": "Your_Tag_Goes_Here" # Replace with your tag as needed }, { "field": "last_updated", "filterType": "numeric",…
    API for DataSet tags ggenoveseによるコメント 10/02
  • This is great! Thanks for sharing your code! One small enhancement you can make is to use an Account to store your developer token so that it's not in plain text in your workbook
    API for DataSet tags ggenoveseによるコメント 10/02
  • You can send a POST to this endpoint as referenced in the discussion you linked: https://{{your_instance}} with this post body: {"entities": ["DATASET"], "filters": [{"filterType": "facetValue", "field": "tag", "value": "<YOUR TAG GOES HERE>*"}], "combineResults": "true", "query":…
    API for DataSet tags ggenoveseによるコメント 10/02
  • If your WoW beast mode is: (mktg visits - lw sessions) / lw sessions then change it to: (SUM (mktg visits) - SUM(lw sessions)) / SUM(lw sessions)
  • Looking at this other thread, it seems the solution was sharing the card with the users receiving the scheduled report, can you give that a try and see if that works for you?
  • The developer portal has some sample code you can refer to. In my experience, the metadata.account.accesstoken value from the authentication section is not accessible in the process data section when you're developing, but the value is accessible once it's published so I just hard-code an access token until it's time to…
  • I'm seeing this in the FAQ for the File Upload Connector, is it possible you're hitting save before the preview appears? Why am I getting updates with the previously uploaded file? When you update the existing dataset by uploading a file, a preview screen appears in the Select tables pane after the file is uploaded. When…
  • I love this idea!
  • If you have more than one year of data you'll need to account for the year, and not only the month. You can use the LAST_DAY() function to normalize your dates: — % Change Costs ( — current month costs SUM(CASE WHEN LAST_DAY(`Your Date Field`) = LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN `Costs` END) - — prior month costs SUM( CASE…
  • I see, it's a file that you're importing and the source has a value but somehow during the process of importing the file the value is getting dropped. If the values are being dropped sporadically and you can't determine a reason why then I feel that it's a Domo Support issue.
  • Is the dataset being displayed the output of a dataflow? Do total billed and total margin come from different datasets? If so it would appear to be a join issue.
  • I run into this too, but I don’t recall it ever behaving any differently. I used to find myself having to reset everything and rebuilding the group by with the additional category columns. A work-around that I’ve discovered is to use the SQL editor to alter the group by.
  • If the Quarter ID is "2019 Q4", is there ever any other Prior Quarter value besides "2018 Q4"? If not, then it's logical that the Total Amounts are the same since the same rows are being aggregated.
  • Yeah, you can do it in Windows Task Scheduler as I described, you just need to use the -script parameter for the CLI tool and provide the path to the script. See below, just replace the placeholder values with your actual values.
    CLI with Task Scheduler ggenoveseによるコメント 09/10