eriena Member


  • I found the answer. DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '%Y-%m-01') The code solve my question. Thank you @GrantSmith
  • @GrantSmith Thank you for your advice. I tried the code, but it worked as below. 2022/4/12 --> 2022/4/19 2022/4/21 --> 2022/4/10 I want to write code so that if a date other than the 1st come in, it will still be the 1st as below. 2022/4/12 --> 2022/4/1 2022/4/21 --> 2022/4/1 Thank you.
  • @MarkSnodgrass Wow!! Thank you for your advice!! I didn't know the running bar and line in the line + stacked bar! Thank you so much your kindly help😀@MarkSnodgrass
  • @MarkSnodgrass @Godiepi Thank you for your kindly advice. I could solve my question. Please let me one more question. I would like to use Curved line + Running Stacked bar. But it seems not to exist as a card. Is there any method to create Curved line + Running Stacked bar?
  • Hi@amehdad Thank you for letting me know how to show the value. Thank you. Hi @Ashleigh Thank you for your advice. I didn't know how to use Tooltip. I would like to search Tooltip in Domo guide.
  • Hello, @GrantSmith @MarkSnodgrass I could solve my issue. Thank you so much for your advise.
  • @GrantSmith @MarkSnodgrass Thank you so much for sharing the article. I will read the article.
  • @MarkSnodgrass I was able to make my ETL thanks to your advice! Thank you very much for your help.
  • @MarkSnodgrass Thank you for understanding what I want to do, despite my lack of explanation. I tried the setting following your advice to my ETL, then I succeed to group by. But I couldn't success Add Formula due to my DATE_SUB() function. I wrote DATE_SUB(`Year/Month` INTERVAL 12 MONTH) in Add formula box and failed.…
  • @GrantSmith Thank you for your response. My explanation was not good, I'm sorry. I don't need to offset. I have a card I want to make, and if I have the following Dataset( with the rows and columns highlighted), I will be able to make a card. Therefore, I would like to know how to create the following Dataset. I have not…
  • @GrantSmith Thank you for your advice. Oh, I should have modified the dataset prior to creating card. I understood, I will try modified my dataset first. I am appreciated your advice, thank you so much☺️
    Pivot card erienaによるコメント December 2021
  • Hi, @amehdad , @MichelleH Please let me ask additional question. I set chart property option as "fill empty data cells with 0" on my chart. I could let show "0" when it is null. But when I filter only Feb 2021, grape disappear from chart. Do we have any method to show grape on the chart when even it filtered?
    Pivot card erienaによるコメント December 2021
  • Hello @amehdad , @MichelleH, Thank you for your advice and the information. I could solve my question. I appreciated for your answers. (I think I should have select new post as "ask a question" but I think I selected "new topics", so I couldn't find "accept" button to your advice. I 'm sorry for that.)
    Pivot card erienaによるコメント December 2021
  • Hi @amehdad , @GrantSmith , Thank you so much for your advices. I didn't realize full outer join, your advices help me very much. Thank you.
  • Hi @GrantSmith and @amehdad , Thank you for letting me know! I appreciated your kind help, and I will try this connector. Thank you.😀
  • Hi, @amehdad21, @GrantSmith , @MarkSnodgrass I'm glad to know your answer to my question. Thank you so much! I think it would be convenient if the filed of "Page type" is in Governance dataset, so I would like to post my request on 'Ideas Exchange' and also try to request this to my customer representative. As a solution…
  • @MarkSnodgrass Thank you for your comment! I could understand and solve my question.
  • Hi @MarkSnodgrass Thank you for your comment. After click "more upload methods", the screen below pop up usually to select csv , xml and the others. We had uploaded file without clicking "more upload methods" , but the data hadn't been perfect some data missing. So this step "more upload methods" is necessally. Hi…
  • Thank you for your comment. I could solve my question. 1) Select ETL box holding shift key down. 2) Clipboard message come up the left bottom side of ETL screen. 3) To Copy ETL, Shift + C 4) To past ETL Shift + P
  • Thank you @jaeW_at_Onyx. I solved it finally.
  • Hi, @GrantSmith Thank you for your reply and your advice. I could change the order.
    Data table erienaによるコメント June 2020
  • Thank you very much for your advice! I could solved:)
  • @jaeW_at_Onyx Thank you for your reply. I'm still trying to investigate to what extent an access token can access data.It seems that it will take time to resolve. Reply will be delayed.
  • @jaeW_at_Onyx Thank you for your reply. I checked 1) and 2). Maybe 3) is the reason. My access token may have been limited to access several page which contain cards unexpectedly. My account can access the page which the connector couldn't get. May be the accessible range of the account and the accessible range of the…
  • Thank you for your advise!! Your advice inspired me! I could solve my question by using FILTER and appending them.
  • Thank you for your reply. I'm not good at translating, but I let me try. I'm trying to accumulate the value of "Result" into "Result(Accum)" in order from Jan to Dec. If the value in "Result" >= 0, I want to accumlate in order. But if no value (as like null), I want to accumlate up to the previouse month and don't want to…
  • @mofarri さま また解決してくださりありがとうございました! うまくいきました!
  • @moffari さま 分かりやすくAの凡例にしてくださりありがとうございました! 私の読み取る力がなく大変失礼いたしました。よく理解いたしました。 また、私のほうでも同じように設定し、当月より後を表示させないカードを作ることができました。 このような設定が可能であることがわかりとても嬉しいです。 もう1点質問させてください。今は5月である場合、5月の実績はまだないので、4月までのResult(累計)を表示させたい場合、どのようなBeastmodeの設定が可能でしょうか。 前月の実績が出るのが当月の実働3日目であるのが前提として、具体的には、 6月実働2日目までは2020年4月1日までのResult(累計)を表示させておく、…
  • 教えて頂いたETLとカードを実践してみましたが、カード上でResult(年間累計)のBeastModeを設定しても、どうしても6月以降にも累計の値が出て5月~12月まで同じ値が棒グラフで表示されてしまいます。【変換A】の出力データセット上では6月以降もResult(累計)に値が入っていると思うのですが、どのようにしてカード上で当月より後を表示させていないのでしょうか。
  • @jae_atOnyx Hello Jae, Thank you for your reply. I would like to know to create two accumlated colums as marked yellow in attached excel file. And if today is May, there is no value in the columns of "Result" in Jun to Dec. Therefore I want to set no value in the colums of "Result(Accum)" in June to Dec. Is it possible to…