My bad. SQUASH_WHITESPACE is only available in the formula tile in Magic ETL. Try this instead: UPPER(TRIM(`company name`)) Make sure what is inside the ticks is your actual field name from your dataset.
I would try troubleshooting by creating a beast mode that might help identify the issue. I would start by creating a beast mode that looks like this: UPPER(SQUASH_WHITESPACE(companyname)) This will eliminate any extra spaces and convert the string to upper case as Domo is case-sensitive when evaluating differences between…
Unfortunately, it looks as though the Sankey chart is quite limited in what you can use for hover text and tooltips are unavailable for the Sankey chart type.
I randomly run into this issue as well. Glad you are bringing attention to it.
@ArborRose when I inspect the network traffic when I click on a tag in the data center, I see that this is being applied. This would be against the https://[instance-name].domo.com/api/search/v1/query Have you tried using this already?
You are not alone in asking that question. The advantages of App Studio are improved branding and formatting control. It also has a better form module. It still lacks some features that dashboards have, but they are working on adding them. Many people wonder why they didn't just enhance dashboards with these features.
A couple things to point out for you on this: While you would need to use the Save As option to have a card display multiple times on a dashboard, when you create a beast mode, if you choose Save to Dataset, any edits you make to that beast mode will apply to all the cards on the dashboard. This may lower your maintenance…
I don't think that is possible with this chart type, but you could try using a beast mode like I suggested but rather than a constant value, create a long case statement where you are setting the value.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you want all bubbles the same size even though they have different values. You can do this by creating a beast mode that has a value of 1 and then put that in the values field and choose Min for the aggregation. You can then drag the value you want displayed into the tooltip 1 field and…
I would look into the custom charts option that is available. Here is a video about it as well as some KB articles: https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043428793?language=en_US https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360042924454?language=en_US
Here's a video on how to split values dynamically when you don't know how many times you will have to split.
@trafalger just did this. He may be able to explain how he did it. I believe it required some programming within Code Engine to accomplish it.
If you click the wrench and choose Edit Drill Path there is an option to prevent drilling to the raw dataset.
Since this is a beta feature, I would recommend providing feedback to the beta team to let them know about this issue. Betafeedback@domo.com.
@GrantSmith is the king of API calls and may know if this is possible.
Agree with @MichelleH . Here is a video that walks you through it.
You can have multiple workbench installations, but having them run the same job would be problematic. I would recommend reviewing this KB article about migrating Workbench to help better understand what to watch out for. https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/000005219?language=en_US
Try this: CONCAT(LEFT(TicketOwnderFirstName,1),TicketOwnerLastName)
Actually, a fixed function might be easier your region total fixed function would look like this: SUM(SUM(Value)) FIXED(BY Region FILTER DENY Team)
Segments would be the easiest to implement since you can base it on region, but you would likely have to create a segment for each region and they will always be showing. I think you will have better luck if you use a variable for your team selection instead of a filter. You can then build a beast mode that is for your…
Here is the video that is referenced in the earlier post.
After you select the checkbox "save calculation to dataset" you need to then click on Create Calculated Field, which will then change to Save Calculated Field, which I tend to click on as well before clicking on the X to be sure it is properly saved.
Did you check to see if the text formatting - only show number tile kept your decimal place? I believe it will remove that as well which will be problematic for you. I would suggest using a formula tile and then using two replace functions (one to remove the dollar sign, and the other to remove the commas) followed by…
In your ETL, before joining the two datasets, I would do a group by on dataset B and group by productid, orderid, and customerid. You can just choose count for the aggregate and pick any column. This will give you 1 row per productid, orderid, and customerid. Then do the left join as you already have in place. Also, if you…
You would want to talk to your CSM to go over your particular contract, but generally speaking, federated datasets themselves don't use any credits.
If you are statically setting the filter and will have to change it each month you should be able to do it dynamically by creating a beast mode that looks something like this: CASE WHEN datefield = MAX(datefield) THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END Drag this beast mode into your filters and filter to Include.
I would try this: DATE_SUB(datefield, INTERVAL 52 WEEK)
The only way that I can think of making that work is by creating rows in your data with a value of 0 for each category/filter combination. You can do this pretty easily in Magic ETL if you are not able to do it directly in your source data.
The pull connector needs a username, password and hostname. See this documentation for more details. https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360042931894?language=en_US