You can do this by first adding a filter tile and filter to where id is not null. Then add a group by tile and group by max id. This should give you one record of 12 and 56. Next, add a join tile and join your original input dataset with the group by tile and join on the customer column. Finally, add a formula tile and use…
I would guess that the issue is because you are only aggregating on one part of your case statement. Try putting AVG() around your 'Within SLA' field in your case statement and see if that helps. You could also try it like this: AVG(CASE WHEN PRODUCTIONBY <> 'NPS' AND SLAStatusAverage <> 'Within SLA' THEN DAYS_CUSTOMERVIEW…
@joebenz Domo does support SFTP. I used it quite a bit. You can have the vendor push to it, or you can have the Domo connector pull from their SFTP site. Most vendors prefer to push to Domo. The issue tends to be that vendors are used to a PGP key and not a PEM key. PEM keys can be converted to PGP by the vendor. This KB…
I don't believe there is a specified limit on how many variables you can use on a card/dashboard, but I doubt much testing was done on having this many variables being used when the functionality was built out. I would suggest logging it as a support ticket.
Even though your e-mail has multiple files, you can set up multiple forwarding rules and use the dataset via e-mail connector to handle each file. You can use the attachment name expression field to differentiate which file you want to connect to. Check out the documentation in this KB article.…
I use Domo Workbench to directly query a SQL Server. You just need to create an ODBC connection on the computer running Workbench and then use that connection to your SQL Server. https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360042932734?language=en_US
If it is always between the first and second underscore, you can do this: SPLIT_PART(fieldname,'_',2)
Webforms can only be input datasets. They cannot be output datasets. You could use a webform as a second input dataset that could overwrite entries by joining it to your app studio form dataset in Magic ETL, though.
You can remove the by Month by editing the dashboard and click on Edit Content on the card and choose Appearance and uncheck Timeframe.
That screenshot does look different than mine. Try clicking on File rather than searching connectors and drag your file in and see if you get the options that I do. I was using an Excel file (.xlsx) as my example. If yours is a .csv, that could be why you don't see the same options I do.
In the upload spreadsheet wizard, after you select the file, it should give you a preview and on the left is the range that it determined it should upload. Double check that the range is accurate and make changes to ensure that it is importing all the rows you want.
You can do this in Magic ETL with the group by tile and using the group_concat function. Results in this:
You should check how your filter is set up. If you go to your filter in Analyzer and see that all the options are selected, so that they show up in the selected area, that is going to keep new items from showing up, which it sounds like what you are running into. Instead, don't pre-select all, but just have the Quick…
Joins are also case-sensitive. I often will convert text to uppercase to use for joining and then drop those columns later.
In the Admin Section under dashboards, you can select a dashboard and then select move dashboard and move it to another parent dashboard.
There are really a few ways you could do this: Option 1 - check for nulls CASE WHEN fieldname IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END Option 2 - change nulls to 0 then check for 0 CASE WHEN IFNULL(fieldname,0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END Option 3 - check for text using the length function CASE WHEN LENGTH(TRIM(fieldname)) >= 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0…
Glad you got it to work. Yes, using the SPLIT_PART function with it looking for the underscore character will return the ID you want.
Are you referencing the correct field in your formula tile? Neither of these two samples contain the word Expense so there is no way the preview could display Expense in the result of the RIGHT function usage. I would double check that you are referencing the correct field in the formulas. Based on these two samples, both…
Can you provide a few more sample campaign names? The word Expense is not in your first sample campaign name that you provided initially so I think I need to see a few more sample rows to make sure my suggestions will work for you.
If it is always after the the colon, you can use the SPLIT_PART function: SPLIT_PART(fieldname,':',2) If it is always a certain number of digits, you can use the RIGHT function: RIGHT(fieldname,7)
I believe you can have a more consolidated beast mode using the hour and concat functions and stacking the statements in the correct order CASE WHEN HOUR(startdate) < 6 THEN '12am-6am' WHEN HOUR(startdate) < 12 then CONCAT(HOUR(startdate),'am') WHEN HOUR(startdate) < 20 THEN CONCAT(HOUR(startdate)-12,'pm') ELSE…
You are going to need more than just the filter tile to do this. Here is bare minimum of what it would look like: Add a Constants Tile that you will use for the join tile Add a Group By Tile that gets the latest date Add a Join tile that joins on that JoinKey constant you created earlier so that the LatestDate field is now…
When using the over function, you need to use two aggregations. This should do it: MAX(MAX(date)) OVER()
If you have a known number of items to extract, using the SPLIT_PART function multiple times is the easiest way to go (i.e. SPLIT_PART(string,'-',1) for the first item, SPLIT_PART(string,'-',2) for the item before the 2nd dash, etc. If you have an unknown number of dashes, this method will allow you to handle it…
@ArborRose you can actually set the order of the output dataset without modifying the ETL and adding a select columns tile. In the Data Center, click on your dataset and then click on Data and then the Schema icon that is on the right. Hover over the left side of the page and you can click and drag any column to the order…
You could create a beast mode that multiples your number by -1 and then put that beast mode in your x-axis. The numbers will display as negative, but it would give you the look you are going for. You could also hide the scales so that the negative numbers don't appear on the x-axis, which might help with the look.
In the chart properties, go to the data label settings and click the + sign to add any of the available macros The text area respects when you hit the enter key to put items on separate lines. Also, in the General tab, choose Abbreviate Values to show items in billions or millions. You will also want to use the Format…
I would use a group by tile and put your object id in the first section and then in the aggregate section, do a count of object ids. This will tell you how many rows you have of each. You can then add a filter tile and filter to where your count equals one. You can then use a join tile to join it back to your original…
I would try mapping datasets 0, 1, and 2 to the same real dataset that you need so that you brick doesn't reference any example datasets in the code. I would think you would then be able to safely delete the example datasets. I'm not sure if there is a brick that only has one dataset, but if you find one, you might want to…
You can filter across pages by using pfilters (also called deep link filtering). I have a video on how to do this here: Here's a KB article about it as well.