In the Chart Properties section, you need to select Show subtotal rows under the subtotal rows section and then the subtotal section will be enabled for each column.
The easiest way I have found to do this is to use the Segments feature. https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/4403089503383?language=en_US In the columns to create a segment, select the column that is in your series and then either select all the items in the selection, or choose match values and choose does not contain…
This video may help you:
For those dealing with bad data, here is a video that goes over various ways to clean it up:
TRY_CAST is only available in the Magic ETL formula tile. It won't work in the Analyzer calculated field. There are a handful of functions that only work in the ETL formula tile and this is one of them.
For those that are working on this challenge and want to use a Domo Brick instead of a Custom App, I walk through how to do it in this video:
In the ETL, you can use the formula tile and use TRY_CAST(myfield AS DATE). If it is a valid date, it will become a date value. If it isn't valid, it will become null. You can use this as a standalone formula and it will create a date field that will have dates and null values. Or you could use it as part of a CASE…
You are welcome @david_cunningham ! Keep up the great work on the answers!
Sounds like you are going to want your select columns json data to look like this: {"name":"A_Date"},{"name":"A_Invoice #"},{"name":"A_VV#"} One easy way to do this in a text editor would be to do a find and replace and replace "name":" with "name":"A_ This should prefix each of those columns with A_
I agree with @BryantCafferty that the confirmation e-mails were quite conflicting. Here is what mine looked like with two different dates (25th and 26th) and times (10am MT and 7am PDT) When I click on the Download ics so that I can add the event to my calendar it now says Thursday 4/25 at 10am MT. I think when I initially…
Use the wrench in the top right of the page and choose Edit Dashboard. Hover over the top right of the card and click on the down arrow and then select Appearance and uncheck Title. This will remove the title from the display.
Makes sense. You might try wrapping an IFNULL function around your entire running total function IFNULL( ,0)
Have you considered using the Chart Property "Fill empty data cells with 0"? It is under General in the Pivot Table card.
Yes. you should be able use the LIKE operator in the filter tile. I would add the LOWER or UPPER function to make it case insensitive. Adding the % sign around your string will make it a wildcard search. Like this: LOWER(statename) LIKE '%tex%'
I would take a look at the Upsert option in Workbench https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043038714?language=en_US
I use the calendar because it is an easy way to have a built in incrementing list of numbers (1,2,3,etc.). You could just have an Excel file or a Webform that has a list of numbers, but I thought I would just use what is already available.
Way to go @JasonAltenburg ! Well deserved! You have been helping people for a long time and are always very insightful!
You could do this: CASE WHEN RIGHT(myfield,1) = '/' THEN myfield ELSE CONCAT(myfield,'/') END
Here is a video on how to break up comments into individual words and remove particular words.
I will often do a formula like this that I drag into the filters section to get year to date values from previous years. CASE WHEN DAYOFYEAR(datefield) < = DAYOFYEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END In the filters section, I filter to Include which will filter out any rows that are later in the year.
You can implement the LAST_DAY() function around all of the dates and that will group everything into monthly buckets. Do it before you do the join and it should get you what you want.
I answered a similar question on how to do this here: Let me know if that works out for you.
Have you tried added a calculated field under the transforms section and use a function such as TODAY() to have it add today's date when it runs?
Thank you! It was great to see everyone at Domopalooza and to compete in the Demo Slam. Thank you @GrantStowell for doing such a great job moderating the Community. It was great to finally meet you in person!
You may want to look into this video by @ellibot
In Magic ETL, it will look something like this. I had to add some tiles to get my data where I could make something like yours. I will explain the key tiles that you would want to focus on configuring in your environment. Join Tile Do a LEFT JOIN and have your DailySeconds table on the left and your Events on the right.…
You can do this in SQL and Magic ETL without much trouble. I will try and lay out both options for you, but I can pretty much guarantee that the Magic ETL option will perform better for you. SQL Start by getting your counts in your events table like this and call it EventCounts SELECT StartSecond, EndSecond, COUNT(EventID)…
The first thing to check would be your date range filter. If you can set it to graph by month then it will automatically group it for you by year month. If that is unavailable, you can click on your date field and choose format - date format - custom and enter in your format.
You can do this by creating beast modes for each of your series for current/future months and another for historical months. Since you have 3 bars, that would indicate you have 3 items in your series, so you would need to create 6 beast modes. Each would look like this: Series A Historical Beast Mode CASE WHEN seriesname =…
The API key should be the access token that you would generate in your instance. You can generate an access token by going to More → Admin → Access Tokens. Make sure you set an expiration date that is far out, such as 10 years.