ArborRose Coach


  • There's no beast mode command for dealing with commas, but you can achieve it in other ways if desired. CASE WHEN `Category` = 'Revenue' THEN CONCAT('$', CASE WHEN ROUND(`Actual`, 2) >= 1000000 THEN CONCAT(ROUND(ROUND(`Actual`, 2) / 1000000, 2), 'M') WHEN ROUND(`Actual`, 2) >= 1000 THEN CONCAT(FLOOR(ROUND(`Actual`, 2) /…
    formatting in a table ArborRoseによるコメント 10/21
  • Um…I did not put those numbers on that code. Hmm.
  • You should be able to use the Python tile to use Domo inputs or filtering. Run something like from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA y = your_time_series X = your_exogenous_variable model = ARIMA(y, exog=X, order=(p, d, q)) model_fit = forecast = model_fit.forecast(steps=10, exog=user_input_exog)
  • Sorry…I'm not in Domo testing the function. I'll create a quick sample set and test. CASE WHEN `Category` = 'Revenue' THEN CONCAT('$', ROUND(`Actual`, 2)) WHEN `Category` = 'Sales' THEN ROUND(`Actual`, 0) ELSE ROUND(`Actual`, 2) END
    formatting in a table ArborRoseによるコメント 10/21
  • How about something like CASE WHEN `Category` = 'Revenue' THEN CONCAT('$', FORMAT(`Actual`, 2)) WHEN `Category` = 'Sales' THEN FORMAT(`Actual`, 0) ELSE FORMAT(`Actual`, 2) END
    formatting in a table ArborRoseによるコメント 10/21
  • I would try creating a beast mode field to count how many times each name appears. This will help identify duplicates. Something like COUNT(`Full Name`) OVER (PARTITION BY `Full Name`) Then set conditional formatting on the Domo card. Create a rule where - if the name count is greater than 1, it will apply a background…
  • In Domo, if you're the owner of a card, it will automatically appear on your "Shared" page because ownership implies that it's part of your content management. Unfortunately, there's no built-in option to retain ownership of a card while removing it from your "Shared" page - this page is designed to display content that…
  • USDA appears to have documentation on their API online: It looks like you just register for a key (credentials). You then use a Domo connector to interface with the USDA data. I'm not aware whether there is a USDA specific connector, but you can probably use the generic JSON No…
  • When comparing the signature from the X-Hub-Signature header with the computed signature, make sure you're using a secure string comparison function to prevent timing attacks. # Example comparison received_signature = 'sha1=received-signature-from-domo' is_valid = hmac.compare_digest(signature, received_signature)…
  • It appears you are using the wrong hashing algorithm (SHA-512), I believe Domo's webhook uses SHA-1. Try this: import hmac import hashlib # Shared secret key shared_secret = "the-shared-secret-key" # Payload data (body of the request) payload =…
  • Domoダッシュボードをより使いやすくし、スクロールを減らすために、ダッシュボードの上部にテキストボックスやHTMLカードを使用してフィルターをまとめることができます。これにより、アコーディオンのようにセクションを展開・折りたたみできるようになります。また、すべてのグラフに適用されるページレベルのフィルターを使用すれば、個別のフィルターをスクロールする必要がなくなります。さらに、グラフをコンパクトなグリッドレイアウトに配置し、インタラクティブフィルターを使用することで、ユーザーがスクロールせずにグラフを閲覧できるようになります。HTMLやCSSの知識があれば、本物のアコーディオン機能を実現するためのカスタムコードを埋め込むことも可能です。…
  • Yes, you can pass query parameters via the URL. But you'll have to code to capture the params. Something like function getQueryParams() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const param1 = urlParams.get('param1'); const param2 =…
  • You added single quotes in the image. In Oracle, when you're calling a procedure like fnd_client_info.set_org_context, you should pass numeric values without quotes, as it expects a number rather than a string.
    Syntax error? ArborRoseによるコメント 10/17
  • You can remove cards from the "Shared" page in Domo by adjusting the sharing settings. Open the card, and click on the three dots (menu) in the top-right corner of the card. In the sharing settings, you’ll see a list of people or groups who have access to the card.
  • I don't believe Amazon has an API for product reviews, just product advertising. But there are third party services that offer APIs to Amazon review data through scraping: SerpAPI, Apify, RapidAPI. You could also use Python to create a custom web scraper, but you need to check the Amazon terms of service to make sure it…
    Amazon Product Reviews API ArborRoseによるコメント 10/14
  • The warning about being unable to access the CRAN repository seems to indicate the environment in Domo might be blocked from making outgoing connections. Possibly due to network or firewall settings…on Domo's side? Can you install from a mirror? install.packages('SentimentAnalysis', repos = '')…
  • It may be that Domo does not recognize the date field. You can go to the schema and check the data types to make sure the field you are using is a Date type. For filter, you can use a calculation such as CASE WHEN `Date` >= CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 9 DAY THEN 'Last 9 Days' ELSE 'Other' END
    Drill path Grayed Date Range ArborRoseによるコメント 10/14
  • Domo doesn't have a built-in hover interaction across separate cards. I believe you would have to use a filter on click (click on a bar in one card to trigger a filter that affects the other card), a slicer card, or create a custom application.
    Hover options ArborRoseによるコメント 10/11
  • Domo doesn't have a centralized API or DomoStats feature that retrieves information across multiple Domo instances. You can only pull information within a single instance.
  • It's done to optimize performance. My company works with datasets that have millions of rows. I wouldn't expect Domo to have dropdown filters and such with millions of entries. So I aggregate the data beforehand or set filtering so it breaks up the data to something reasonable to handle on a card. It's my understanding…
  • If you are filtering on created date, all orders created on that date (10/18) should show up regardless of updates. Domo and Shopify may have different time zones. If Shopify are in UTC and Domo uses local time zone, some orders may fall outside the range. You may also encounter issues due to delayed order updates. The…
  • There are two date filters in the Shopify connector. Created date and updated date. The created date gets all the orders that were placed with the date range you request. But it won't include updates if the fulfillment occurred after the dataset refreshed. You miss the updates to the order, such as fulfillment statuses…
  • Can you process this through a Magic ETL?
  • How about doing it this way? CASE WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug 2024 Moto Coop 2' THEN SUM(CASE WHEN SUM(OrderGrandTotal) FIXED (BY MpowerOrder) >= 963 THEN SUM(OrderGrandTotal) FIXED (BY MpowerOrder) - 963 ELSE 0 END) FIXED (BY MpowerOrder) WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug 2024 Moto Coop 1' THEN SUM(CASE WHEN SUM(OrderGrandTotal) FIXED…
  • As @MarkSnodgrass mentions, I use Domo Workbench. You can also schedule file and ftp imports in other methods like Python.
  • I would suggest capturing your data using recursion or some other method…as a snapshot. This would let you compare it with the current data. You can use the contract date to see if the order expired, even if its no longer in your dataset. You can join the current with the historical snapshots to compare and identify which…
  • You could try to "debug" the issue by simplifying and testing aggregation separately SUM(OrderGrandTotal) FIXED (BY MpowerOrder) And testing the logic without the aggregation: CASE WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug 2024 Moto Coop 2' THEN CASE WHEN OrderGrandTotal >= 963 THEN OrderGrandTotal - 963 ELSE 0 END WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug…
  • Sounds like you might try creating a Magic ETL with beast mode formulas to distribute the data across the desired time period. To join your aggregated data by ad type with a calendar table based on the date range that matches your aggregated period. If the ad type data is aggregated for a month, distribute the value across…
  • It appears you may be having trouble because of the nested aggregation (SUM within a SUM). Try this: CASE WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug 2024 Moto Coop 2' THEN SUM(CASE WHEN OrderGrandTotal >= 963 THEN OrderGrandTotal - 963 ELSE 0 END) FIXED (BY MpowerOrder) WHEN Coop Event = 'Aug 2024 Moto Coop 1' THEN SUM(CASE WHEN…
  • What @MarkSnodgrass said above. His trick with the svg shape naming is brilliant.
    Map with GeoJSON coordinates ArborRoseによるコメント 10/07