Filtering on items that could be in multiple buckets
Hi, I have a dataset and the user would like to filter on this week, this month, this quarter, this fiscal etc. Is there a way to do this so that it is intuitive for the user ? At the moment the buckets are mutually exclusive so this fiscal does not include this quarter, this month or this week. I created the filter using…
Treemap hover fix
When 2 treemaps at different levels are displayed the hover does not highlight all the values in the corresponding category, also for the treemap on the right it is not possible to add colours based on the primary category e.g. 30th anniversary.
Treemap hover
When I hover over disclosures in the first treemap all the related items do not highlight correctly in the second treemap, both service Now Automation Platform and Policy Process Evolution should be highlighted. Both are using the same data source with no filters applied
Treemap colours
Hi, is there a way to colour the items one colour based on the group ? It does not seem to work.
Hover options
Hi, i have the following 2 cards, the one on the left lists the programs and the right the projects contained in them. I need the legend items on the left to select when I hover over the project This is the data behind both cards - both from the same table
Percent of total in grand total row
How can I have the percent of total for the grand total rather than the sum of the WoW column? e.g. (mktg visits - lw sessions) / lw sessions in to the total row
Same week last year
Hi, what is the best way to write a beast mode that returns the same week last year, e.g. 09/09/2024 ⇒ 11/09/2023
Case statement with fixed by
I am trying to create a WoW variance at the type level for my data below. I have tried using a case statement with a fixed by statement by Domo keeps complaining. Is this possible ?
Transpose a table
Hi, I need the day across the top of this table and the visits/ orders etc along the rows, how can I transpose this table ? any help appreciated!
html table conditional formatting
Hi, I have a table that I would like to format so that anything over 0 is red and less is green. I have created the beast mode below but I am not sure how to amend it so that the result is a percentage that also creates a total in the total row rather than a count CASE WHEN (sum(Visits last week) -sum(Visits 2 weeks ago))/…
Multi value gauge - WoW updating with filter
Is there a way to update the multi-value gauge with the WoW values depending on the week selected in the filter ?
Multi value gauge using values from a filter
Hi, I am creating a dashboard and I require the multi value gauge to change according to the week begin date selected in the filter, is this possible ? I need to see the %change in total requests compared to the previous week etc.
Domostats activity log not updating properly
Hi, I am trying to track usage, I have installed domo stats which runs daily however the latest data for my page is November 20th on the monthly version and 17th on the weekly. I know that users have viewed the pages since then. How can I resolve this ?
Domo calendar
Hi, I have a calendar view that is displaying data for multiple months, is there a way to force it to show the latest month on the dashboard ? I need it to display data for March and allow the user to navigate to previous months.
Updating header with the last month
Hi, I have a dashboard with a header for last month (YoY), is there an option automate this ? The dashboard will always show data for the previous month.
My beast mode is not calculating correctly
I am seeing the shield icon on my dashboard, how can I hide this?
multi value gauge
I am trying to create a YoY summary, here is my data When I select compare to 1 year ago I get an error. What do I need to change ?
Faceted line chart
Hi, I need to visualise a number of line charts on one dashboard, is there a way to create a faceted line chart in Domo similar to the faceted bar option ?
String to date
I am trying to convert a text column to a date but my beast mode is not working, I am trying to add a formula in my etl to convert it
I need to convert a text column to date in ETL
and I am not sure how to do this, I have attached a screenshot of my text date
I have a file that has Date, Batch_Id and Active users. I need to keep the latest row in the file
I am trying to do this with magic ETL but I am not having much luck.