YoY Variance: Trouble Excluding When Most Recent Week's Data is Absent
I've built a YoY variance chart for sell-out sales but problem is I'm using CURDATE for the most recent week and it's showing -100% until I upload the most recent sales data. I've proposed the below but it's coming up with an error message. Any help is appreciated! (CASE when (`Sales Week` like '%2018%' then…
Beast Mode YTD % Change YoY
Hello, I'm trying to provide YTD % change vs. prev. year but I can't seem to pull a value from this. Any help is appreciated! (CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=YEAR(CURDATE()) then sum(`Online`) else 0 End) / (CASE WHEN TRIM(YEAR(`Date`))=Year(ADDDATE(CURDATE(), interval -1 year)) then sum(`Online`) else 0 End)
Beast Mode for Calculating YoY % Variance
Hi there, I'm trying to create a grouped bar chart (retailers x-axis, sales y-axis, year series) and I'd like to add a line for variance between this year and last. The problem is I'm not sure how to create a Beast Mode to calculate a column for % difference YoY. Essentially, I want: (`Values` where…
When a user saves a Page Filter - is that just for them for everyone that accesses that dashboard?
I want to build one dashboard for one job title that each has a different brand, and I was wondering if each user saved the dashboard with their specific brand filters on would they stay or would everyone have to keep flipping back and forth? Thank you!