Resizing cards within App Studio
When resizing pages on tabs within App Studio you can end up with really large cards at the bottom. This is due to using a tab container and that has a minimum height depending on how the cards are setup in different tabs. If the second/third tab have a greater number of cards and has a larger height, the first tab will…
Can you set a default a value for a control that may be different than a default value on dashboard?
We have set a control value set on the card, but once we drop it onto a dashboard, the default value changes. In this first view you will see we are using filter cards to set values within the dashboard. Here is this view is our default value on the card, which is what we want this card to use. Then here is what the card…
Improved messaging when deleting a page
I deleted a parent page, which deleted multiple child pages. I didn't remember or know there were sub-dashboards associated to it. So, when developing this, please add the same "Are you sure" logic you have when you have to delete a dataset and show you everything associated to the page.
Is there a way to create a dataset in Domo based upon a Salesforce Trending Report?
I have had this report trending in Salesforce for a few weeks. When I create my dataset in Domo, not sure if there is an Object, Report or other method to access this data. Has anyone been successful or have any suggestions? I know how to get the data into the Salesforce Analytics CRM system, but would prefer to use Domo.…
Pivot table issues
I don't know if I am running into a limitation with Domo, as I have about 500K rows. Trying to pivot on Area, State, Market (DMA). I get some of my data to break out correctly, but other data only posts in the totals and doesn't go into the state and Market rows correctly. If I select just one account, I get the data to…
Group by Month, sorting by Year with that month
I was able to get the following created in Domo, but it is not sorting my data correctly, as I want a stacked bar and then grouped by Month and then Year. So, I want January data from 2019 first, January 2021 second then February 2019, followed by February 2021 and so on. I am trying to mirror a setup from a co-worker on…