How can I convert LinkedIn geocodes to other geographic variable
I connected our LinkedIn business page to Domo and am trying to record followers by location. I have their DMA and geocode (urn:li:geo[8 digit number]). I tried to find a spreadsheet or some other dataset to convert them without much luck. Any suggestions?
LinkedIn V.2 Connector account issue
Has anyone had issues with the LinkedIn V.2 connector in recognizing or pulling organizations they're linked to? When I try to set up the connector no organizations show up in the Organization ID drop down, and I can't find much documentation on the connector page about any prerequisites for the connector to work. I'm set…
How can I create an automated email with specified details about a record/row?
I'm trying to create a daily automated email for our media team that includes the top media mentions of our university. They want to have the following details for our top 5-10 performing stories similar to the format below for each mention grouped by the record/mention. [Outlet name] | [Media mention date] [News headline…