ETL fails due to "This data set does not support data version filtering."
I have my SQL raw dataset set to merge new rows which is working correctly: This SQL dataset is the input for my ETL attempting to process New rows then Upsert in the output dataset: However my ETL fails to run due to the stated error: Am I setting something up wrong? My raw SQL data is not partitioned but it is using the…
Is there a limit on the data provided by the datasets API?
I am using the datasets api (https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets/<dataset-id>/data) to access multiple different datasets in my Domo instance using Postman. Everything works fine and Postman shows the response for all my datasets except for two which are both over 1 million rows. When I try to use the datasets API for these…
Error when committing and promoting to another instance
When I commit my repository I am getting a generic error message with no actual id's to reference: Invalid content entity could not be added as a dependency of {contentType} with id {contentId}. Clicking the blue contendid takes me to two cards which have no errors. What could be causing this?
View limited to 10,000 rows of data when looking at a dataset?
Is this a new "feature" from Domo? Recently I am limited to viewing only 10k rows of data at a time in the data tab of a dataset. When I apply a filter, the actual number of rows briefly displays then jumps down to showing 10,000 rows. Is this a new requirement from Domo for performance purposes? I would like to turn it…
Beastmode field not aggregating in bar chart
I have a dataset containing the following data: The Sessions field is a beastmode calculating the rank of the customers phone number. (Running total of how many transactions they have) rank() over (partition by Location.ID, PhoneNo order by TransactionDate) I am wanting to create a horizontal bar chart with the number of…
sec_to_time() Is adding an unnecessary period to durations
I'm using sec_to_time(`SessionTime`) to convert an integer of seconds into a duration however when a SessionTime should end in a single digit amount of seconds say, 5 seconds "12:45:05" the beastmode field is displayed as "12:45:5." This creates an unnecessary period and shows an inconsistent format. The result should show…
Is it possible to create a tooltip for one column in a table/card?
Say I have a column "Masked PhoneNo" that shows ***7890. Is it possible to hover over this text (usually a column in a table) and display the full PhoneNo (123-456-7890) which is a different column in my dataset?
How to calculate a percentage based on another beastmode
Hi I am trying to calculate a percentage of customers who repeated, out of all customers. Basically count(distinct repeat customers) / count(distinct all customers). This has to be done in beastmode so users can select a date and the repeat customer % will be dynamic. This is the raw data, Cumulative sessions is used to…