How to calculate the total sum of a field in beast Mode
How can I calculate the total sum for a given row based on the condition. e.g. for every G_Account No. I will like to calculate total Amount, for Transaction = 0 and Transaction = 1 aggregated by year: I have used the formulala: sum(sum(`Amount`)) over (partition by year(`Posting Date`)), however it correctly calculates…
SubTotal Category Remaining Amount: How to calculate difference between two columns
How to display the value of "Remaining Amount' in subtotal category: I have the following scenario, using a Pivot table Displaying the budget amount and actual amount along with remaining amount. for every subcategory I do not want to display remaining amount if either value budget or Actual value is 0. However I will…
row total is not correct
I am working to create a Pivot table, where Year_Budget column is the average amt and Actual Amt is the the aggregrate. There are two questions, the subtotal of Year_Budget is not correct, it should be 6195907.00, however is it displayed as 476608.23. Also when I try to create a difference in value in BeastMode, I get a…
Is 'Partition by' supported in DOMO SQL?
I tried to create a new table in DOMO SQL using the following syntax in sql : SELECT `G_L Account No_`,`AcctLen`,`fund#`, `Fund No_`,`Dept#`, `Obj#`, `Global Dimension 1 Code`, `Posting Date`, `Description`, `Amount`, `Transaction Type`, `Actual_Amt`, `Budget_Amt`, sum(sum(case when `Transaction Type` = 1 then `Amount`…
How to override the filter set on cards and calculate sum on a specified period and condition
How to add hardcoded dates that the amount is summed for a period specified, even when the chard is filtered on for different dates. e.g. I will like to always get the sum of transactions Type 1 between the period of Jan-01-2020 and Dec-31-2021, even when the filter on the card is set for Jan-01-2021 and Feb-28-2021 As…
How to view data table schema
How can I create the data table schema and table relationships