Use year selected from card filter
Hi, I'm using a dropdown list that selects year values, I want to use the value selected to created a calculation. Is it possible to use the year selected? For example if in my dropdown list I selected year 2023, then use this value to do a year previous revenues sum thanks
Keep Filters from one dashboard to another
Hi all, I created a main dasboard with dates and orders. In the main dashboar the info is aggregated, but I created a page to see order per order whats happened. But when I "jump" from main dashboard to the paig the filters are reseted, is it possible to keep these filters to another pages? Thanks Eduard
User Right
Hi all, I'm triying to do a table from several customers that wants to know if it's possible to extract the UserId, User name and the roll or permissions in SAP, Exact, Netsuite, Microsoft dynamics thanks
How to create a dataset based on another dataset
Hi everyone, I would like to create a calendar table based on an orders data base, based on min and max date from that. Do you know a way to do it? Thanks for your help Eduard