I'm struggling with how to handle this problem conceptually. My company delivers our products to customers and in the delivery tables, there's a field for Units Ordered, Units Delivered, Units Accepte…
Hi All, I have connected the Marketo Dashboard, but I'm unable to validate the data against the Email Performance Report in Marketo. On their community page I found a post that says: Marketo Support s…
Hi, I'm trying to elimate the need for a database between our production system and Domo by doing all ETL work within Domo (I know this may take longer to process). The database is PostgreSQL and some…
Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to graph performance of applications for each hour in a rolling 24-hour period (and once I get that then I need to do it hourly for a rolling 30 days). My data…
Hi, I am importing data from a txt file. I have several columns that are timestamps. For example, the data is 20160421114552 - meaning 2016/04/21 11:45:52. When I try to convert this to a date and tim…
Hi. I'm new to Domo and I was wondering, is any way to alter the graph that is displayed on the card when I view the group/collection? For instance, the attached graph is so scrunched and tiny that yo…
Hi All, I have been trying to use the Marketo Dashboard and have it populating. However, I cannot see to properly validate the data compared to the Marketo reports. I've been researching and I found s…