Show x-series minutes with no data.
Hi, I'd like to have a graph by minute and a heatmap for the last 60 minutes of a live data feed, at the moment because the X-series is data driven if data stops coming in the x series stops at the latest minute available in the data. I'd like the graph to always show the past 60 minutes even if data hasn't arrived, and…
OpenID Connect does not work with Amazon Cognito
Hi, When trying to setup Amazon Cognito as the OpenID Connect provider I get an "invalid_scope" error returned from Cognito. This is created by the fact that Domo is requesting the following scopes on the request to Cognito: * scope=openid profile email phone address The address scope does not exist within Cognito and as…
MySQL Transform Only New Data
Hi, I'm trying to use a MySQL dataflow to transform data as it arrives (every minute via Stream API) but obviously I only want to include the new data not repeat the entire dataset transform each time (2.9m rowss and counting). Setting the append flag and the frequency on update doesn't do this, I just get the same 2.9m…