Campaigns Error Message
I have a campaign that contains an HTML table card in the email body and is triggered to send by a dataset alert. I recently received this error message on a failed campaign delivery which I have never seen before. The same trigger was able to send to another recipient on the distribution list. Can someone help explain the…
Campaigns Error Message
I have a campaign that contains an HTML table card in the email body and is triggered to send by a dataset alert. I recently received this error message on a failed campaign delivery which I have never seen before. The same trigger was able to send to another recipient on the distribution list. Can someone help explain the…
Will a Domo user be able to sign in if their email address becomes deactivated?
If a domo user is created with a valid email address, but that email address later becomes deactivated - for instance, a company email address is deactivated when a person leaves the firm - will they still be able to log into their Domo account?
How do I use the "is in" filter in Domo Campaigns Markup Language?
I have read this page on Domo campaigns and distribution lists: . I see that "is in" is a filter option to include multiple possible values in a filter, but I can't figure out the correct way to write the list of options without having an error in the campaign. I've tried several ways including the following: <dataset…
What is the difference between the 'Can share' and 'Can edit' roles on a dataset?
Hello, I notice that there are two access rights "Can see all data in the dataset" and "Can view the Dataset." The 'Can share' role has access to the second but not the first. I'm wondering what is the difference between these two?
Is there a way to prevent a group from seeing an entire dataset?
I want to be able to prevent certain groups from seeing a dataset, even if it was shared to them by someone with 'can share' access. Is there maybe a way to create a "no rows" PDP policy? Thanks!