allow users to duplicate (save as) locked cards
Hello, My goal is to have published reports be locked down, but accessible to users to manipulate unofficial copies of them. I would like to lock pages and cards so that only a users assigned to a group that owns the card or page (or is an admin) can edit them, but want all users with a user role that allows them to edit…
relating beastmode IDs between datasets
relating beastmode IDs between datasets Hello! I am having trouble relating beast mode ID between two datasets: the user logs and a Beast mode dataset available via the Domo governance dataset connector (https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056318074-Domo-Governance-Datasets-Connector). In the "beast modes with…
relating beastmode IDs between datasets
relating beastmode IDs between datasets Hello! I am having trouble relating beast mode ID between two datasets: the user logs and a Beast mode dataset available via the Domo governance dataset connector (https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056318074-Domo-Governance-Datasets-Connector). In the "beast modes with…