Facebook Ads Advanced Connector
Hello Everyone, In Facebook Ads Manager there is column called Website Conversions. I am trying to find this column in the Facebook Ads Advanced Connector. I did a custom insights for report and did try to search for it. Can you please help which column should I choose in the connector? Thanks
Google Drive Service Connector- Shared Drive- Partial File Name
Hi everyone, My client has setup a Google Drive Service Connector in the instance. We are trying to pull the files from the Shared Drive option. However, we would like to use partial file name and get the latest file. We are unable to do so as the connector is giving an error "File Not Found". Does Shared Drive option…
Amazon S3 Writeback Connector ( Error- Failed to Create Dataset)
Hi everyone, When I am trying to use the writeback connector in instance. The dataset is not getting created giving an error "Failed to Create Dataset and please try again". I did check all the below permissions are enabled in Amazon S3. The WRITE (s3:PutObject) permission in Amazon S3 At minimum, “AmazonS3FullAccess”…
GCLID (Google Click ID)- Google Ads connector
Hi Everyone, I am looking for GCLID column. Can you please advise whether I should be using Google Ads Connector or Google Analytics Connector. Also, What metrics I will have to choose ? Thanks.
Zendesk 1000 row limit
Hi everyone, I am trying to pull the data for call inbound from Zendesk connector. It seems, it's pulling only 1k rows. Is there any API limit to it? Is there a way to increase it ? Thanks.
Linked Ads connector- Fields to Select
Hi, I am looking for Campaign Ads at daily level. What Fields I have to select in linkedin ads connector.? Thanks
Connect SQL Server Management Studio to Domo
Hi everyone, I have database in Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio. Is it possible to connect it with Domo instance using Microsoft Sql Server Connector ? https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043436173-Microsoft-SQL-Server-Connector
CSV Advanced Connector Error (SFTP) - Failed to execute import successfully.
I am trying to pull a csv files with 47 rows and 14K records. It's giving an error "Failed to execute import successfully". It's only 1 csv files which is giving an error rest of the files I am able to export from the folder. What would be the issue ? Thanks.
Best Mode Formula for 2 Month Period
Hi Everyone, I require help to create beast mode for 2 month period which would be like a Filter on the Dashboard. For example: Jan-Feb, Mar -Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec
Google Ads Connector - Field Error.
Hi Guys, I am using Google Ads Connector. I am getting error when I try to add or change the segments. However, the connector seems to running well. Thanks, Tarun
Json No Code Connector - Question.
Hello Everyone, I am using Json No Code Connector to pull the data in the Replace mode. I would like to only replace data which is changed at the backend and not the whole data. Is there a way we can do this in Connector settings ? Or any other way ? Thanks,
Drill down card with display certain columns when clicked.
I have a bar chart with different events such as cta_clicked, navigation_clicked, media_interaction. I have to create a drill down card but I want to display certain parameters and not the whole table For example, if I click on cta_clicked it should only display columns (cta_title,cta_link_text,component name) . When I…
Character Limit- API in Domo ?
Hi Guys, Does Domo have a character limit, for bringing in data through an API? Thanks
Remove Inactive Users Automatically from Domo.
Is it possible to remove the users automatically from instance after a period of inactivity.?
Domo- Tableau conection.
Hi, Is there a connector or API to connect Domo to Tableau or Vice-versa. ? Thanks
Domo Everywhere- Embed Card- Change Background of card to black.
Hi guys, When I embed a card using Domo Everwhere, I would like to have a background color to be black. But by default I guess it is White. Is there a way we can change the background color of the card.?
Is there any connector in Domo for NCR Console ?
Hi Guys, Is there any connector in domo for NCR, below is the link to it. https://corporate.ncrconsole.com/ Thanks
Does Graphql endpoints work in Domo ?
Does Graphql endpoints work in Domo? If yes, which connector needs to be used for it ? Please explain in detail. Thanks for your help 😊
Cloud connector or Workbench to get data into instance.?
Is cloud connector better approach than workbench to get data into instance or vice-versa?. It would be really help if you can elaborate or differentiate between both.
Google Advanced Analytics Connector Error
I am getting this error when I tried to connect with the advanced connector. Any idea what it would be ?
Pull Data from AWS Bucket which is encrypted.
Hi everyone, I need to pull the data from AWS bucket which is encrypted. Is there a way around to pull the data using Amazon Advanced S3 connector. Thanks,