How would I get a percent change for each t value from baseline and chart it as a bar line graph
/* Get RCI avg of all scores that aren't baseline CASE WHEN `summary_order_rule` > 1 THEN AVG(`RCI`) Get RCI avg of all scroes that are baseline CASE WHEN `summary_order_rule` = 1 THEN AVG(`RCI`) END Get %change between baseline and followup scores for each summary order ((avg_followup - avg_baseline) / avg_baseline) * 100…
Dashboard Page Filter bar - limit the filterable columns
Hi, I'm trying to find out if there is a way to only limit the filter in the filter bar to a pre defined set. USE CASE I have a data set that contains private data. I want to use that SAME dataset on 2 different dashboards. Dashboard 1, you would see all the columns so you can filter Dashboard 2, you would only see a…
Filtering Pages and Sub pages in embed dashboard
Hi, I'm new to Domo, and I'm trying to do something that I do not know if its possible. I have a list of Reports created. These reports are in different 'buckets' i.e.: Facility ___Report 1 ___Report 2 Maintenance ___Report 3 ___Report 4 When the user clicks on Level 1 i.e Facility, it would populate a radio button list of…