When will the Let's get started app be updated?
I've been trying to use the let's get started app, and the videos are being updated. When will this be completed? I want to add some new users, but want them to be able to use this app to get understand Domo.
Collection card order
I set up a collection that initially showed the cards lined up in one row. Lately, it has changed to two rows. Any ideas on how to get it back to one row?
Percent Calculation
I'm very new to Domo, and am not finding any information on a calculation I want to do. I want to show a percent of one item to another on a stacked bar graph. When I use the data label settings(%_percent_of_total), it totals both amounts and gives me the percent based on a total of the two amounts when I just want one…
Date question
I want to limit my data visualized to greater than today. I haven't been able to find a way to do that so I have to go in and change the date each day. Can this be done automatically?
Is there an email sent out of new questions asked in the Dojo?
Is there a way to subscribe to an email of the current questions and answers being discussed in the DOJO? It seems it would be easier to know what is being currently discussed if something was sent out daily/weekly. It may also result in more answers to the questions that are being posed.
Can a single state be shown in maps instead of the whole US?
Daily emails for Favorited cards
The summary email reports to users for favorited cards show the summary number for the favorited card and also a percent change in the email. The percent change is not identified as a percent change from what. If has caused confusion for our users since they assume for yoy cards that the percent change is the percent…