Calculating a cumulative total in a sumo card
Hi all I'm posting in ETL/Dataflow as I assume this is where the ultimate answer lies. My end objective is I want to be able to present a simple table outlining my different customer cohorts (cohort is identified based on the month they placed their first order), and their average Gross Profit to us each month since…
Creating a running percentage chart
Hi All I have a dataset, which is broken up into 4 populations (which is my series). I am trying to create a chart (or table) that shows the percentage of each population that had made their first purchase by a given day after signing up as a member (ie- % that bought for the first time by day one, then cumulative…
Counting unique orders each month
Hello I'm trying to build a beastmode calculation that will only count users ordering for the first time in any given month. My end game is to be able to have a vertical chart showing by day users ordering for the first time that month, however using a count(distinct) beast mode command will only tell me unique orders for…
Identify customers ordering on multiple dates
Hi I am trying to build a beast mode calculation to isolate customers that have ordered based on certain conditions. My dataset contains all customer ordering activity, each customer is identified by a unique user ID. Customers will often order multiple times each week. Each customer order is assigned a unique order ID and…