Self-Published Redirect URL Issues
I'm trying to build a connector that uses OAuth 2.0. Within the connector IDE it works without issue. When I self-published a beta version of the connector, I was provided with a new Redirect URL to add to my app. When I try to use the self-published version of my connector, I get the following error message: { "status":…
Parameters Defaulting to First Option when Published.
I'm having an issue where a specific parameter will default to choosing whatever is first in it's DROPDOWN options list when it's published. It works perfectly when in the Custom Connector Builder, but when I self-publish, the issue arises. What's causing this?
Can parameters have dimensions other than "report" ?
I'm working on a custom connector, and have a quick question. In "Advanced Mode", is the "Show When" input able to use dimensions other than "report"? Trying to make it so that when a user selects a "Geographic Breakdown" (e.g. Geographic Breakdown == 'State'), a new "State" parameter appears where a user can select the…
"We're sorry but the system can't do that right now." - Connector Builder
I'm trying to build a custom connector to draw data from the College Scorecard website. I'm using Javascript to write the data processing script and haven't been receiving any errors with my code. However, when I run the script, a new page opens that says "We're sorry but the system can't do that right now." When the…