Remove a card versus Delete a Card
Hi, I created a card that is used on several pages/dashboards. However it happens quite often that some people want to remove the card from their dashboard and they click on "Delete Card" instead of "Remove" from the menu: By using "Delete Card" it will delete the card on all the pages/dashboards! Which is problematic… I…
Hi, I found two different information about the data type we can use for the schema: 1) One is coming from https://developer.domo.com/docs/dataset-api-reference/dataset#Create%20a%20DataSet and says we have these types: STRING, DECIMAL, LONG, DOUBLE, DATE, and DATETIME 2) The other one is coming…
Update / Delete a row in a dataset
Hi, I think that what I'm looking for doesn't exist in the API... At least based on what I can read in the documentation, on my Google search, and search in this forum. Is there any way to delete or update a specific row in a dataset, knowing I have an ID column that is unique to identify the row? Like some others, I may…