zcameron Contributor


  • No, nothing has been added to Workbench to handle this. You could, however, create a script that could do this manipulation and then have Workbench call that script (using the External Process File Provider job type) and then upload the output of the script for you.
  • Yes, there is. The ability to use Web Hooks with alerts is on the short term road map. This will open the door to allow an alert in Domo to trigger any action that can be kicked off by a web service. I'm super excited about the doors that will open up for doing cool things like your example use case.
  • Developer.domo.com documents the API endpoints you can use to export your projects & tasks information from the Domo system. https://developer.domo.com/docs/projectsandtasks/projects-tasks-api-reference You can also use the DomoStats connector to create datasets in Domo with information about your projects and tasks that…
  • Aaron, I pulled my own Exchange data into Domo using the Exchange connector. Where in the process is it failing for you?
  • DataMaven, Zendesk requires that API access through username/password be enabled for the user before API access is allowed. Here's the link in their documentation: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002555167-Using-the-API-dashboard#enabling_password_or_token_access I hope that helps!
  • The 17 comes from the original question. The poster only wanted to include hours between 9 and 5, or 09:00 and 17:00. You're right about switching to "* 24". The "* 8" part of the formula was assuming 8 working hours per day. It sounds like you've got a pretty good handle on it!
  • If I understand your question correctly, it seems that you are wanting to have the line portion of the line + bar chart be the same value for all entries on the x axis, even though there is only one value in the data. Perhaps one of the following could be helpful: 1.) Add records to the dataset so that the value needed is…
  • The Period over Period charts do not support multiple metrics at this time. You can see a video in Domo University about how to set up this type of card using beast mode calculations here: https://university.domo.com/videos/watch/plcXU1ZDE6GHkv9y_6BZj5cwyOJPYomU I would also recommend using the Feedback button in the main…
  • Lucas, There is an action in Magic ETL that can help you determine the difference between two dates in working days (weekdays). Use the Date Operations tile, selet "Difference between dates" as the operation, and then "Working days" as the unit of measurement. If you need a more advanced way of handling this that would…
  • Lucas, Can you provide more detail about how you are calculating the difference between the event times? As a note, in Domo, all data is assumed to be in UTC. When previewed or viewed on a card, it is automatically shifted to the timezone selected in your Company Settings. The shifting is universal, though, so all records…
  • There is a recently recent Connector called Domo Governance Datasets that will allow you to generate a Dataflow Details report. This creates a dataset with each of your dataflows, its input datasets, and its output datasets. You can then use this data to create cards or tables to view these relationships instead of using…
  • The Average, Max, and Min lines and values will only appear when a single series is in use. When multiple series are involved, it becomes unclear whether those calculation are for all series together, a single series, etc. You aren't doing anything wrong. Unfortunately, these calculations are just not available for…
  • There isn't a way to graph this data as a metric after converting it to minutes-colon-seconds format. If you want to graph the average session time by month, you'd need to pick a single unit of time (seconds, minutes, or hours) as your metric and convert the data to that unit (seconds\60 = minutes). Then you're graphing…
  • Would you feel comfortable posting the authentication code here so others could see if anything jumps out at them? Otherwise, if you're sure the code is correct, you could reach out to ConnectorHelp@domo.com and give them the details of the custom connector you're working on. They may be able to see if there is a…
  • The supported methods of accomplishing a rolling average are handled in the ETL layer of Domo. Here's a link to the Help Center Article that describes how to accomplish it in MySQL, Redshift, and Magic ETL. http://knowledge.domo.com/?cid=createrollingaverage I hope that helps!
  • The Public Embed option could get you this functionality. You can talk to your account executive about whether it's a good fit for your use case and about getting it added to your contract.
  • Prajwal, You'd want to first make sure the data is sorted by the two dimensions you're using as your partitions. Then you'll need to include two new replacement variables to keep track of the values in the dimension columns and mark when they've changed. The first transform would be to sort the original table: SELECT *…
  • Prajju, In MySQL, you could try using something like this, which uses replacement variables instead of self joins: SELECT `Date_Column` , (@LastValue := CASE WHEN IFNULL(`Value_Column`, 0) = 0 THEN @LastValue ELSE `Value_Column` END) AS `Value_Column` FROM table_name , (SELECT @LastValue := 0) lv I hope that helps!
  • You just need to add a check for situations where your denomintor may be 0 or null. For example you could modify your code like this: CASE WHEN SUM (Case when `Actual Revenue` = 0 then 0 when year(`Line Item Date`) = year(curdate())-1 then `Actual Revenue` else 0 end) > 0 THEN (SUM (Case when `Actual Revenue` = 0 then 0…
  • jmealy, The data for a DataFusion can be accessed via the dataset API. The query for the fusion is run as the data is requested and is then returned through the API. Just to be sure, I tested it again just now and was able to pull the results of a DataFusion with no trouble using the API endpoint:…
  • Martin, If you don't specify an aggregation for the fields, you'll get the following behavior, as described in the Data API reference on developer.domo.com: By default, numerical columns are summed and unique entries of non-numerical columns are counted. Can be combined with an aggregation to override this default…
  • FreeSoul, The browser details section is logging the value that comes through the User-Agent header in requests made by the user's browser. It does contain information indicating the browser, but it also contains a lot of extra/misleading information, since many browsers use similar technology under the hood. You could use…
  • rado98, This type of customization of Business in a Box is planned for future releases, but it not available yet. To help the product team know more about your needs and use case, I'd recommend using the Ideas Exchange here in Dojo and/or the Feedback button in your Domo instance to provide information about the type of…
  • Thanks for the distinction. There currently is not a timestamp on publication cards. I would recommend sending that idea through the Ideas Exchange here in the Dojo, and/or using the Feedback button inside of your Domo instance to suggest this feature enhancement.
  • You won't be able to hit that endpoint from a browser URL as it requires the use of the Authorization header being added to the HTTP request. You could use a tool like cURL or Postman or a programming language to do it, however. It's a two step process. First you have to hit the endpoint to authenticate with the API using…
  • A comma separated list of fields is correct. You don't need the space, however. 
  • The bottom of each card should have an indicator of when the dataset powering the card last updated like this: Are you not seeing that indicator? If you aren't, then a support ticket would still be appropriate. You can call in to support at 801.805.9505 or use the site listed previously (http://support.domo.com) should let…
  • The trouble you're seeing may be due to a combination of different levels of granularity in the beast mode calculation. The first line in the code is looking at a single record in the dataset, but lines below it are looking at a group of records being aggregated together using a SUM function. Try wrapping a SUM around your…
  • It turns out that this question is a little trickier than it may seem on the surface. Any time we are using an aggregate function (SUM, in this case) there are decisions that need to be made about how the data is being grouped and filtered in order to give you that aggregation. For example, in the original formula that was…
  • The regression line options aren't available for a grouped chart. You'd need to use a Single Bar card to make use of that option.