zcameron Domo Employee


  • Yes, that is correct. COUNT is an aggregate function, just like SUM, AVG, MAX, etc. Adding the DISTINCT modifier will ignore duplicates of any values that have already been included in the count. Well done!
  • Casey, MySQL transforms only process a single command. If you want to get around this, you can use a stored procedure to include multiple statements in the same transform (including the creating and updating of tables). In one transform, you create the stored procedure, which is technically only one CREATE statement. In…
  • For what it's worth, I like Scott's version better. Moving the checking for first receipt to the beast mode makes the dataflow simpler and as long as the data doesn't get too large, there shouldn't be a noticeable performance hit doing the calculation on the card instead of in the dataflow. Nice work, Scott!
  • swagner, The type of calculation you're hoping to do would need a little pre-work in a dataflow before writing the beast mode. Luckily, it isn't too tricky to do. Here's a description of the Magic ETL dataflow: Group the receiving data by "Order Number" and "Supplier", creating fields for Total Lines Received (SUM of…
  • You could create a beast mode to use as a category or series that determines whether a time is AM or PM like this: CASE WHEN HOUR(`Date`) < 12 THEN 'AM' ELSE 'PM' END Just substitute your date column into the HOUR function. I hope that helps!
  • Total days is much, much simpler. For Total Days in the month: MAX(DAY(LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()))) For Days into the month: MAX(DAY(CURRENT_DATE()))
  • Hua, The DataSet API will work well for that, yes. However, if you're going to be pushing up changes frequently, or if you end up having larger amounts of data to push up, I'd recommend looking into the Streams API instead. It allows you to split a file into smaller chucks and sent them up in parallel, which can greatly…
  • Hua, My understanding is the the DataSet API can only load data into a dataset that is created through the dataset API. You'll need to use the method to create a new dataset and then use the newly created dataset for your future data replace calls. The import functionality of the DataSet API expects the csv data to be in…
  • I'd use a Progress Bar card for this use case. To accomplish this, you'd need to create three beast mode calculations - one for the total number of business days in the current month (to use as the max value) , second for the number of business days into the month we currently are, and a third that is just a simple title…
  • I think a bar chart would work fine for representing this type of data. Domo allows you to click on a bar (or other element) in a chart and pull up a new chart that represents the data in that original bar, broken down in different ways. Here are some links to Help Center articles that can show you what they are and how to…
  • It looks like this request has too many dimensions for a single visualization. It seems to want to show data by day (yesterday vs previous day), broken down by division, but somehow also broken down by marketing code. Depending on how your data is set up, you could do everything but the marketing codes in one visualization…
  • No, you can't do more than one ALTER TABLE command in the same transform unless it's inside of a stored procedure (create/call process). 
  • Glad to hear it! Nice work!
  • The method I describe in the document I uploaded on that thread doesn't actually use the remove duplicates method for that reason. I'll post the doc again here. Take a look and see if it makes any sense for you. One note is that you can skip the SELECT COLUMNS transform if in your append transform you choose to include…
  • Echelon, I use a technique called a Recursive Dataflow to handle this type of situation. There's documentation in the Help Center about how to do this. Also, check out this thread in Dojo for a conversation about this topic and a document I posted with instructions on how to do it in Magic ETL. I hope that helps!
  • Hua, You're looking in the right place for the functionality you've described. I've used the External Process File Provider for similar processes. A couple of notes: The scheduled job will run with whatever rights are associated with the Domo Workbench services in the Windows Services listing. If that user doesn't have…
  • cmdebett, Here's the great thing about grouping in the table cards - it happens automatically. Any fields that don't have an aggregation applied to them (count, sum, avg., etc.) are automatically part of the grouping for the fields that do have an aggregation applied. In other words, just make sure you're aggregating…
  • McSwag, The features you've described are not currently available with publication groups. There have been a lot of upvotes on the post in the ideas exchange about this and the product team is looking into it. In the meantime, I want to clarify something about PDP that might make things work out better for you. There is no…
  • Austin, Jobs created for workbench are tied to both a user and an agent (machine). One of the reasons for this is to prevent the same job from being run on multiple machines if the same user is logged in on both Workbench instances. Because of this, it is not enough to just create the job with a particular user and have it…
  • While you can't create beast mode calculations directly on a sumo card, you can use calculations created on other cards and saved to the dataset. To do this, create your calculation on a standard, non-sumo card (it doesn't really matter which type, as long as it isn't a sumo card). When you save it, make sure you check the…
  • If you want to display the time on site data as minutes-colon-seconds (e.g. 2:30, instead of 150) you could use a beast mode like this: CONCAT(FLOOR(`Time_On_Site_Field` / 60), ':' , MOD(`Time_On_Site_Field`, 60)) Note, however, that this will turn the output into text for display and you will no longer be able to do math…
  • Sambo_Servicer, Unfortunately, the ability to use a beast mode as the date field for the date range on a card is not available. There is a post in the ideas exchange about this, that I would recommend you visit and upvote here. In the mean time, in order to use the calculated field on the card, the calculation would need…
  • If the connector isn't an option for you, I'd suggest using Workbench to connect to your MySQL database. If you're able to create an ODBC connection to your database, you can use Workbench to pull data from it and push it up to Domo. Have you used Workbench before? If not, it's a Windows-based program that you can download…
  • Hey Eric, I'm sure we can help you work this out. Where are you hoping to do this grouping (on a card, in a dataflow, etc.)? It sounds like you're hoping to take a dataset and return some values that have been aggregated based on having the same value in a certain column. For example, if your data is like this:…
  • MIN would return the first date in that range with values and Max would return the last date in the range with values. If you have data on every date, it would work like you're hoping. If you don't have data until Jan 4th, in your example, MIN(`date`) would return Jan 4th, even though they chose Jan 1st as the beginning of…
  • Just as a note, the MIN and MAX functions will return the MIN and MAX of the filtered data, not the entire dataset. That means that if the user selects This Month, the MIN would return the first day of this month with values and the MAX would return the last day of this month with values, even if the dataset covers much…
  • The Domo Usage data isn't retroactive, so views from before the time it is implemented in your instance won't be included. If in the future you'd like to modify what is included in the usage data, you could run it through a dataflow to filter out records that you don't want/need for your usage reporting. Does that help?
  • Those types of statistics are available through some datasets that support can to your instance. Contact support and let them know that you would like access to the Domo Usage statistics in your instance. They'll work with you to get that data flowing into your Domo instance and then you can build cards from the data as…
  • In the card editor, on the left-hand side, under Chart Properties, there's an option called "Ranges". Using this option, you can set the min and max range and color for the ranges in your heat map card. I hope that helps!
  • If you contact Domo Support, they can add a dataset to your instance that has all the dates from 2010 to 2030 and includes a flag for whether a date is a weekday or not. You could use that as a base table (after filtering it down to the range you care about, and only dates that are flagged as a weekday) and LEFT JOIN your…