Thanks so much! I will check on these!
Hey there! Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. We are missing the orders that were created a day or two ago and maybe had an update after the connector has finished running for that date no matter what we filter on. Is there any way even if we missed the updates for these orders to show up in the datapull? If we…
Hey there! Yes, I see changes reflected in the three flows. The changes were to one of the flows. The raw data was replaced entirely for 2022. It isn't a recursive flow.
Switched the connector to Custom App and we were able to get data!
Where do I find the dataset history? I am not able to find that. Is it an access issue? I have admin access.
I don't see the dataset history option.
Hey there! I am talking about the triggered reports. Here is the enable and disable button.
Thank you!
Hey there! I am referring to scheduled reports. Can I set a report to be sent out at a non-15-minute interval? Like at 10:02 and 10:20 instead of the classic 10:00 10:15 and 10:30?