I realized that NOT LIKE is problematic in views and was able to get the result I wanted. Unfortunately rearranging the WHEN clause wouldn't work because there's cases where the situation is reversed too.
Yeah, this is what I get in a pivot table
Maybe it's just not possible. COUNT(DISTICT LAST_DAY(`date`)) returns 1 and doesn't count the rest of the months displayed. It breaks tables too.
In addition, there isn't a current month in the dataset, so I'm stuck.
Hey Mark, This wouldn't be dynamic because it only takes into account the previous month. And it's not dynamic, so if I were to change the filter to display previous quarter, it only uses 1. So it would return 11, instead of 9.
Thanks @JasonAltenburg this worked well for me
Hi @MichelleH I'm trying to show everything over a 24 hour period over the course of the day for the last 24 hours. I realize it's not a timestamp column and is a date column, since it doesn't include seconds. So the option for last 24 hours isn't available.
Thanks @MarkSnodgrass this actually worked pretty well. I thought to perform a join, but since the tile already has this feature, I'd rather learn how to utilize it.
Hey @jaeW_at_Onyx Thanks for the info. I generated a Domo ticket and discovered it's not possible at the moment to separate hyperlinks from texts or have multiple, in cell. I submitted a suggestion though, so hopefully in the future it'll be possible.
I'm confused by what offset to use
How do I know to use + or - If my string says -05:00 for utc and I want it to be cst Is it convert_tz('start_time', '+00:00', '-06:00') or Is it convert_tz('start_time', '+00:00', '+06:00')
Thanks for the link so if I did the following: if my string ends in -05:00 I would do the following for cst? CONVERT('start_time',"-05:00","-06:00")
So if I wanted it to be converted UTC to CST it would be CONVERT_TZ('DATE', ''+07:00'')?
Wow that works great! I changed some things around and was able to get the cumulative sum using your JSON script. Thanks so much for your help, really appreciate it.
I can't seem to get it to work for me in Views Explorer.
@jaeW_at_Onyx Do you still have the JSON code to perform it in ETL? I will need to be able to filter it in magic etl.
Hahahahahaha lololol wow my research must be awful. Thanks for the link Onyx!
Hey @MarkSnodgrass apologies for the late response. I was going to try your suggestion before I realized it doesn't fit the aggregation I'm trying to pursue. I tried it anyways, but what it did was move the sum downwards. For more context, my date column and my video title will be what makes the partition. All values in my…
I actually don't see a ranch in my dataflow. Guess they removed it?
I tried this but I keep getting duplicates. What Join did you use and what which columns from what dataset did you drop? My filter found no nulls.
Hey there, all my threads are for different projects and different datasets. Hence they're in different threads. So because I have other threads, you don't want to help anymore?
So there are nulls in my data but I still can't get it work.
The weird part is I used the same exact beast mode as in my partition by clicking on it. avg(COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`)) OVER(partition by concat(HOUR(`Created Time`))) I wonder what's wrong with it. My date is also using Created Time. So there's nothing wrong there. I'm pretty sure it's the function.
@MarkSnodgrass AVG(COUNT(DAYNAME(date))) OVER (PARTITION BY DAYNAME(date)) this doesn't take into the account the number of impressions. This just finds the day that occurs most. What I'm trying to do is find the average number of impressions on a certain day and grab the day that had the highest average.
@MarkSnodgrass AVG(COUNT(DAYNAME(date))) OVER (PARTITION BY DAYNAME(date)) this doesn't take into the account the number of impressions. This just finds the day that occurs most. What I'm trying to do is find the average number of impressions on a certain day and grab the day that had the highest average.
I think I got it to work using this avg(COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`)) OVER(partition by concat(HOUR(`Created Time`))) But it ended up looking like so...
I got a result back, but the average is the same for every hour. What I would want is a secondary line for the average number of posts. Which makes me wonder if we also need to group by hour, but I don't know how to do that.
Hmmm I may be using my terminology incorrectly. What I'm trying to do is return the name of the day that, on average, has the highest value. Is there a way to incorporate dayname into the window function? What we're looking for is the day that, on average, has the highest number of impressions. I made an example where I…
Actually I already have a beastmode for COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`) and I get values returned but when I do the following: avg(COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`) returns blank avg(COUNT(`Permalink URL`) also returns blank There are no empty values in the permalink column.
Thanks for your input, I'll need to double check to see if i changed my blank null or blank values to 0. That may be a step I neglected to remember. I'll get back to you if this resolves my issue.