Hey @ColemenWilson is there a day/time that works best for you? I added a 1:30 TB for us today and looks like you weren't able to join.
Yes they had already been applied. Still stumped on why the list isn't filtering as intended. Also verified the filters/dates are same for each card.
Solved it with group by tile!
I decided to use SPLIT_PART( String, '-', 1) for the first number and same formula for the other two by modifying the last field number.
Nevermind, I figured it out
I'll try this out! Thanks so much @ColemenWilson
@ColemenWilson Is there a way to do this in Beastmode? For example, I have a list of 20 companies and the create date (is a timestamp) per day, and want to discern which have been created around the same time
Let me rephrase. I want to create a beast mode filter that will allow me to see only companies that are created minutes apart
I am joining in viewership data with this, so Ideally the Parent Page Title, Finance, will be it's own column along with the Parent Page ID, that way the Other Page Titles and IDs will be bucketed underneath, if that makes sense, so I can visualize each Parent Page as the series with the view count of these pages
@colemenwilson do you know the best way to utilize the filter formula tile to exclude multiple values? ex: column1 != 'one' column1 != 'two' column1 != 'three' Is there a way to do this in one formula?
Hmm not exactly what I was looking for. Was hoping to add a hyperlink in the actual alert message within a slack webhook
thanks @MichelleH !! Saving the day again
Thank you @MichelleH !!
That makes sense! The issue I'm running into now is adding back in a date so I can visualize at the card level. I'm using the formula Week('Snapshot Date'), and when I add back in Snapshot Date it skews the counts. Any advice here? @MichelleH
awesome thank you @MarkSnodgrass
Hi @GrantSmith I did what you proposed, but when I use that case statement in my beastmode for a line graph by week, the dates are duplicated on the graph? Any thoughts on what could trigger this?
Hi @amehdad sounds like you have some experience with Sandbox. Have you ever run into this issue when trying to promote and link? It says I have "unmapped accounts"? Trying to navigate towards a solution here!
Hi @amehdad yes I saw this article. I'm wondering if we can promote changes from PROD to Sandbox or does the material have to originate in the sandbox?
Unfortunately that version didn't work either :/ Is there another way around using the Replace Text tile?
Does formatting affect regexp_replace? This is how I'm seeing it exported:
Hi @GrantSmith thanks for the quick response. It doesn't seem to be working on my end, the result looks the same as the column values :/
great, thank you @MichelleH !
thank you for the quick responses. so, @MichelleH if a dataset is set to run at say 6 am, and runs successfully it will trigger the view to refresh?
Thanks so much! @McSQL !!
I'm currently getting 0 values, expecting high 80s%s
Oh good call. I'm still not having luck with this query (SUM(CASE WHEN DAY(`Snapshot Date`) = CURDATE() THEN `Row Count` ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN DAY(`Snapshot Date`) = CURDATE()-1 THEN `Row Count` ELSE 0 END)) / SUM(CASE WHEN DAY(`Snapshot Date`) = CURDATE()-1 THEN `Row Count` ELSE 0 END)
Okay. Any recommendations in the interim?
Thank you. I have the timestamp value, but how would I use that value to see if the number of companies, for example are accurately being snapshotted daily?
Or would it be helpful to create a tile with currentdate and run that through, and then proceed making it recursive? Or maybe I am asking if that would work similarly?
Thanks @GrantSmith for the context! Are there any additional resources you recommend to do this? This would be my first time using MySQL and the link in DOMO doesn't include too much explicit information on how to do this successfully…