The perfect irony here is that Domo clearly agrees this is a great idea, because they are using the same approach in these "Quick Links" that appear right next to this post 😂😅🥲😓😢😭
@carthur - I'm experiencing something similar with custom managed attributes being used in Dynamic PDP policies (the preview works as expected, but in practice, the user cannot see any rows of data; datasets are shared with the user). Curious, did Domo support resolve this for you already? For additional context, if I use…
Here is a useful article explaining the =GOOGLEFINANCE() function native to Google Sheets: Then just connect that google sheet to Domo, and you should be set!
Thanks @AS for the quick reply. What I am currently doing as a work around is actually pumping the Redshift output through a Magic ETL and doing the renaming there, similar to what you suggest with MySQL. It is messy though having that extra step. Looking forward to the data center updates!
Domo support confirmed this is a bug: "Our development team has found a fix for the reported behavior. This is currently going through initial testing to ensure the proposed changes will fix this behavior." Case #05657225