Samuel. Contributor


  • Thanks, both - I thought it might be the case that it's not possible without a finicky over/fixed calculation field.
  • Hey @Garrett_Kohler, no - this setting is not seemingly enabled or used in our org.
  • Thanks @Jones01 - weirdly Week() in MagicETL also has the same functionality issue and returns the same value 🤦‍♂️
  • There seems to be an delta between the MagicETL calculation and the Beastmode calculation. MagicETL Values: Beastmode Values:
  • Hey @Jones01, I'm referring to the weekofyear function above. I'm fully aware of the functionality of both; I'm asking if there's a reason why the values don't align with international standards.
  • Thanks @jessdoe and @marcel_luthi, sadly they don't really work present the visual as I'd like - I think I'm going to keep it to hover text only 😅 I found that idea before posting this but I wanted to call out the specifics just to see if anyone had worked around this issue - @DavidChurchman 🤞 this one gets adjusted soon
  • Hey @jessdoe great idea! Unfortunately, it populates all data labels with that value instead 😅
  • Hey @MichelleH, they are the default Multi-value Column card settings except, under the "Change Value Options", I have ticked the "Reverse Color Direction" option. @MarkSnodgrass Unfortunately, I've also tested that, and it still includes the 0 as a negative value.
  • I'm highlighting that there is seemingly a problem with the functionality of "Between" I consistently use the process you have already highlighted as it's a workaround to what the expected use case of "Between" is. The question was not asking "How do I solve this" as it's a layman's problem, the question was "If this is…
  • Hi @colemenwilson Aye, this is exactly my comment - "Between" is an auto-completed option in the beastmode window, but it's seemingly either unsupported, undocumented or broken. The most logical use case, as described above doesn't work, there is no documentation as you have alluded to, but its existence as an…
  • @t238 any kind of toolbox that scrolls as you move would be amazing. Could be simple KPIs, Variables, or Filters. Having that functionality to customise would be AMAZING. Same with the "next card" and "previous card" navigation arrows in card details. Would be great if they followed you down so they were always in the…
  • Hey @MarkSnodgrass and @ST_-Superman-_, Great suggestion! Thanks for this - having played around with the variables process - it works as intended and solved the baseline problem! Still, it suffers from the caveat that the variable selector process is not dynamic, and when dealing with many projects, the repetition in…
  • This has now been added to the Ideas Exchange under: Multiple Events aligned on a single Calendar Card
  • This has now been added to the Ideas Exchange under: Antithesis Filter Interaction
  • Thanks, @MichelleH. Interesting idea - it's a shame there are around 20 projects because I think that solution would be manageable with smaller numbers and if the number of projects was static, which in this case it's not. I'm going to have to push back on the dashboard requirements. Maybe one for the idea bank as an…
  • No worries at all, @amehdad - more than happy to do that. One thing I have noticed, though, is that you can force a data label to populate if you leave the value field unpopulated - this means you can at least generate a list of objects against a specific date instead of populating just a number. It's a shame you can't do…
  • Morning @MichelleH, Unless specified otherwise, our users select these page-wide filters that will impact the whole page. E.g. There are N cards on a dashboard - users filter at the top by their project portfolio to be specific to their area, and when nothing is selected, the KPIs/visuals reflect an overview of all…
  • Morning @amehdad, Thanks for this - I was trying to avoid the custom chart route for now as, currently, the functionality is disabled for our instance due to security concerns. Thought your article is incredibly helpful as having seen the DDX blocks available, it would answer my question were it not for my awkward caveat.
  • Thanks for picking this up @MarkSnodgrass & @ST_-Superman-_ - great solution! :)
  • Hi @Zel CASE WHEN `column x` = 'y' THEN 'Excluded' ELSE 'Included' END Then use the filter process to include or exclude whatever values from column x you want 😊 Hopefully, this is helpful. Stuck
  • FYI for cards DOMO takes a snapshot of the history after every save. You can view this by going into the card, clicking the card options spanner and then selected the second option 'History' this gives you a visual of what the card looked like in previous iterations. Would be useful to have for text inputs though too,…
  • The Authetication tool in the PPT plugin tends to only spin if it can't find an endpoint for your domain. My first thought would be double checking that the domain you have entered is spelt correctly. Unless your admin has disabled the plugin, which I'm not sure is even an option; the only other reason that this could…
  • Hi @MDavis The PowerPoint embed process is a little funky; the best way to work this is to save the filters you create on your dashboard as filter views. When you create a filtered view - the embed process in ppt allows you to select a specific view based on the filters you have active on that view. Effectively - select…
  • Hi @Josh_Godec123 If the data always uploads on the 10th day you can offset your current date function by 10 days and nest that as a replacement for curdate() ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -10 DAY)). n.b. if it uploads at a certain time you can extend this process to include hours and minutes too. A more dynamic solution…
  • @MichelleH I think point 1 is exactly the issue - even with my non-null aggregate value function its not behaving. DOMO still isn't recognising the 0/null values when applying the sort. The order of operation for the sort that seems to be taking place is... It takes the first column of the first sort and then applies the…
  • Spot on @RobSomers - Exactly the answer I was looking for! :)
  • Exactly that form of case statement for a forced sort - i've tried both a numeric and alphabetical approach to force sort, replacing the 1 with an A, 2 with B etc. with the same results. No aggregation is present - as I said prior I can swap both my column and row sort around and the first sort will work as intended, it's…
  • @MichelleH Thanks for your response - I tested that above and it's still not producing the desired results. My current solution is to force sort the column in table as opposed to using a sorting function as one of my two fields is alphabetical. A in sorting "custom sort" feature being added would be so powerful honestly.
  • Thanks for your responce @MichelleH When I say "non-valued" I mean anything that a non-zero/non-null input Even when hard coding the value as a 0, it seems that the pivot tables ignore these values in the sort. Something as simple as CASE WHEN sum(`value measure`) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE sum(`value measure`) END Also tested…
  • Hey @MarkSnodgrass, I have now and have got the labels working as intended. However, do you know a process to override the colour of each cell? When uploading my custom chart, DOMO clears all vector fill colour values and, similarly to the standard heatmap chart, colours each shape vector based on its value. Is there a way…