Hello @calvert_schaefer, One approach, as suggested by John Le, involves using variables as a solution. However, is you want to compare Fiscal Years, this creates a huge challenge that requires a more complex Beast Mode formula. Another viable solution is utilizing ETL processes to create a column, such as 'Sales_Last_FY',…
Hello @JBerr, Maybe I didn't understand your question, but isn't it possible to just use a simple REPLACE function like this: CAST(REPLACE(Time 1, ':', '.') AS FLOAT)
Hello @Bishwa, Yes, Workbench includes a filtering function. Hover over the Job Name column to reveal the filter icon, then click it to access various filtering options.
Hello @art_in_sky, Is such a message currently displayed? If so, please apply sorting and Change Aggregation settings from here.
Hello @Justinp, Check the Developer Tools in your browser to review the message logged after clicking the Submit button. I encountered a similar issue caused by a minor naming error and this was visible from the recorded error in the Developer Tools.
Hello @ggenovese, It's super nice how a single problem can be approached in various ways. I'm sure we can think of a few more solutions. It's really about @0RNGL4DY and what will be done later with the Beast Mode and visualizations to determine the most suitable approach for his case.
Hi @0RNGL4DY, This straightforward Python method generates the participation sequence, enabling further data visualization or filtering. Here is the output: This was achieved with the following simple single line Python script: #Import the domomagic package into the script from domomagic import * import pandas as pd #read…
Hi @0RNGL4DY, @ColemenWilson, This method is effective only if all "Person" entries attended the A conference. If the first conference is B and you wish to check attendance for C, D, etc., an alternative approach is recommended. I suggest using a Pivot to transform rows into columns, enabling multiple strategies to achieve…
Hello @ColinHaze, Create a Search Variable like this: Create a CASE statement in Beast mode like this: CASE WHEN `Search Filter` = '' THEN 'TRUE' ELSE (CASE WHEN `Lane` LIKE CONCAT('%',`Search Filter`,'%') THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END) END Add Beast mode formula to ‘Filter’ with the following settings:
Hi @ColinHaze, How about using variables for this with a search field? Would it be a viable solution? Here's an example.
Hello @ColinHaze, The issue likely arises because 'Shipper_City_State' and 'CitySelector' have identical values, causing the 'CitySelector' filter to also apply to this column and exclude all rows where 'Consignee_City_State' matches 'CitySelector'.
Hi @ColinHaze, Could you please show the values in 'shipperCity'?
Hi @alzwang99, You can do it with a simple Python tile and the following single line code (bold): #Import the domomagic package into the script from domomagic import * #read data from inputs into a data frame input1 = read_dataframe('your_previous_tile_name') #write your script here input1['ID'] = input1['ID'].map(lambda…
Hello @phesson, I’m not aware of a direct solution from Domo. It may be best to use Power Automate or a similar tool to download and unzip the file first, then upload it to Domo.
Hi @mcasey02, If I understand correctly, you require a variable filter for the progress bar. Here's an example applied to a bar chart. Here is in more details to visualize the implementation of the variables: Here is the variable: For the x-axis, I have the variable timeframe. In the case of a Progress Bar, I don't think…
Hello @Patricia_Zavisky, Join your dataset with Domo Dimensions Connector from the Appstore to add rows for each month/year, even if the value is 0. Replace nulls with 0 either in ETL or by using Domo Beast Mode with a formula like: CASE WHEN IFNULL('your_column', 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 'your_column' END
Hello @ccccc4, It's a bit complicated and I'll try to explain in detail how I approached this. First, I've created a Variable for the Start Period as follows: I applied the same process for the CAGR end period, defining the start and end years for the calculation. Using these variables, I calculated the CAGR with the…
Hi @art_in_sky, Then you have to use the CONCAT function. Here is a simple example: and the formula:
Hi @verytiredgirl, Create a Radio Option Variable with values 0 and 1, then use a Beast Mode formula. You can then create additional filters if needed. Here is a simple example. This is the dataset: Then the Radio Option variable: The formula: And the result that displays the average values for rows flagged as 0 or 1. One…
Hello @Arthi Annadi, Could you show us the exact format of your numbers, including the placement of % or $ (e.g., before or after)?
Hello @Arthi Annadi, Why not use the Tooltips function to display % or $ on the cards? Here is more info on this topic:
Hi @b_rad Here you go: #Import the domomagic package into the script from domomagic import * import pandas as pd from urllib.parse import unquote #read data from inputs into a data frame input1 = read_dataframe('Domo Forum Answer 2') #write your script here input1['ID'] = input1['ID'].apply(unquote) #write a data frame so…
Hello @b_rad, You can achieve this with a simple Python script. Here's the input: The script: Replace 'Domo Forum Answer 2' with the name of the tile preceding the Python Script tile and 'ID' with the column name in your dataset. The result will be:
Hello @ggenovese, I wasn't aware that TIME_TO_SEC() functions with text format. I thought it only accepted a Timestamp format. I've verified that it does work. Thanks for the clarification. Yes, this is a much cleaner and easier solution!
Hello @kim_barragan0126, If I understood correctly, this is your initial column, right? Either way, sure you can do it in various methods using CASE logic in Magic ETL. Here is one that I did for you with a Formula tile: Here are the results:
Hi @JBerr, Certainly! You can convert it using Magic ETL using various methods. Here's one example to convert recorded time into seconds with Formula tile: SUBSTRING(Time, 1, 2)*3600 + SUBSTRING(Time, 4, 2)*60 + SUBSTRING(Time, 7, 2) This is the result:
Hi @Kyle McMahon, I don't think this is possible with the available chart types. I'll follow this thread to see if a solution is provided.
Hello @verytiredgirl, You can do it in several steps. Here is the example data: First, make Dynamic unpivot: Split the unpivoted column into two columns: one for dates and one for types: Change the format of the 'Date' column into Date with the Alter Columns tile: And finally, pivot the 'Type' column: Here is the result: I…
Hello @art_in_sky, You'll have greater flexibility in your visualization by using a standard Bar Chart and placing a Multi Value/Single Value card next to it to display the change.
Hello @user060355 Yes, you can use the Domo Dimensions Connector and functions like CURRENT_DATE(), MONTHNAME(), and FIXED BY to calculate by month and identify the current month.