Hello @kim_barragan0126, You have to play around with the General, Header Row, Header Column, Total, and Subtotals settings:
@_DanielB_ This should work. I'm using it on many occasions: Value Previous Month: SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) = YEAR(`SALES_DATE`) AND MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) - 1 = MONTH(`SALES_DATE`) THEN `SALES_AMOUNT` ELSE 0 END) Value Last Fiscal Year Same Month: SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(CURRENT_DATE())-1 = YEAR(`SALES_DATE`) AND…
Hi @jrtomici, Check this video from Jae Wilson. I think it answers your question:
Hello @verytiredgirl, You can try with nested CASE statements and first check if the current day is the last day of the month: CASE WHEN CURRENT_DATE() = LAST_DAY(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN CASE WHEN MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) = MONTH(SHIP_DATE) AND YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) = YEAR(SHIP_DATE) THEN 'sales_amount' ELSE 0 END ELSE [your CASE…
Hi @Chuqi_D, I also used the OpenCage API key, not Google Maps.
Hello @Chuqi_D, Yes, it is working with Domo Jupyter Notebook. Here is the result for some random addresses I picked from Google Maps:
Dear @Chuqi_D, As far as I know, you can't directly call APIs through Domo's Magic ETL. You may use Jupyter Notebook within the Domo environment for that purpose. I tested your code, but it doesn’t seem to be working correctly. I'm investigating the issue and will update you if I find a solution.
Hi @SamanthaC, Yes, this can be accomplished using a CASE statement in Beast Mode. However, the results will be displayed in a column rather than rows. If you provide additional details or a sample dataset, I’d be happy to assist further.
Hello @CRBrown, Providing a sample of your data would be helpful. Based on my understanding of your request, you can use the 'Group' tile to find the MAX('Citation Date') for each location and then join it back to the main dataset. For the second question, the following Beast Mode formula should meet your needs.…
Hi @_DanielB_, I would define a variable with two options: "Selected Customer" and "All Customers." When "Selected Customer" is chosen, the filter card will enable customer-specific filtering. If "All Customers" is selected, filter options will be removed. Calculations and filters will be adjusted accordingly based on the…
Hi @Saaisathish, The bug was related to something on their end. We just received a message that they fixed it without the need to change the app.
Hello @ColinHaze, As a reference, I'm sending the info regarding FIXED function: You can see from the link that FIXED function requires double parentheses. Could you please also try this: SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT DriverID) Fixed (BYMPP_TERMINAL_NAME))
Hi @andyRowan, I'm still trying to find a way to make the final calculation but this is what I got until now: Rank RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(Sales) DESC) Total SUM(SUM(Sales) FIXED ()) isTop10 CASE WHEN RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(Sales) DESC) < 11 THEN 'Top 10' ELSE 'Other' END I still can't find a way to calculate the…
Hello @ColinHaze, Handle cases where the denominator may be zero by using the NULLIF() function.
Hi @Saaisathish, We recently encountered similar behavior in one of our apps while using domo.onFiltersUpdate(). After failing to find a solution, we contacted the Domo Support team. I was informed that there were some related bugs that have since been fixed. You might want to reach out to Domo Support as well, it could be…
Hello @Katrina_Burns, First, check this video from Mark Snodgrass. You can use a Variable to showcase the Rolling Average for all customers or just a selected one. I went a step further and created three variables and now I can see the Rolling Average by country, product, or industry, whether I want the full picture or…
Hello @andyRowan, I believe this video from DataCrew can be helpful:
Hi @austinisenhart, You can convert 3.36 into separate columns for Days, Hours, and Minutes (e.g., "3 days, 8 hours, 38 minutes"). However, representing the three numbers (3, 8, 38) in a single column without using a string doesn't make any sense. Consider averaging the DATEDIFF as the initial value (3.36) and then…
Hello @Anna_Otake, I believe this is not possible with Beast Mode. ETL should be used to calculate this and create the new columns.
Hello @verytiredgirl, Could you please try the following Python script: input1['Bill-To'] = input1['Bill-To'].map(lambda x: None if not x else x).fillna(method='ffill')
Hello @Data_Devon, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with your problem but I'm very interested in your idea and the solution you are developing. Would it be possible to share some details and screenshots?
Hello @Ankur, To disable filtering on the table, edit the dashboard, select "Edit Content" on the table, then choose "Change Filter Exceptions" to turn off filtering.
Hi @IgneP, It should also work with nested CASE statements (CASE inside a CASE), but definitely I agree that wrapping CASE in SUM(), as @ggenovese demonstrated, is the best approach. SUM(CASE WHEN…) *2.54
Hello @Chris_Phelan, I believe this is possible if you create an ETL that filters (reduces) your dataset the same way you filter your card and then use it for the PDP.
Hello @skylerh, You probably have to convert the image into vector shapes. This manual may assist you. Tracing an Image — Inkscape Beginners' Guide 1.0 documentation
Hi @M_Gonzalez, Your question involves multiple aspects. To control the information visible to each user, you must use PDP on your card, as this cannot be managed via Beast Mode. Activating PDP will filter rows based on the logged-in user, affecting the total sales formula. To address this, implement an ETL process to add…
Hello @calvert_schaefer, One approach, as suggested by John Le, involves using variables as a solution. However, is you want to compare Fiscal Years, this creates a huge challenge that requires a more complex Beast Mode formula. Another viable solution is utilizing ETL processes to create a column, such as 'Sales_Last_FY',…
Hello @JBerr, Maybe I didn't understand your question, but isn't it possible to just use a simple REPLACE function like this: CAST(REPLACE(Time 1, ':', '.') AS FLOAT)
Hello @Bishwa, Yes, Workbench includes a filtering function. Hover over the Job Name column to reveal the filter icon, then click it to access various filtering options.
Hello @art_in_sky, Is such a message currently displayed? If so, please apply sorting and Change Aggregation settings from here.