Thanks @DavidChurchman that worked!
Thank for the response David! I will experiment with both options.
Thank you MichelleH that worked like a charm!
Thanks, I will give this a shot.
Thanks, (See data structure above). So the formula looks in the agent state column for "unavailable" and then takes the timestamp from the proceeding row to get the time difference between unavailable and whatever state the proceeding row has. It then orders it by the agent's last name. Then I want the card to list all…
Also data is structured this way.
Thanks for the fast response MichelleH CASE WHEN agentState = 'Unavailable' THEN SEC_TO_TIME(IFNULL((LEAD(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(eventTimestamp)) OVER (ORDER BY (agent_lastName))) - (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(eventTimestamp)),0)) End
Thanks all for your help so far but I think I need to be clearer with what I am requesting. So, I would like to get a report of unavailable time for each agent. See data below. So, I would like to find whenever there is a change in "agent state" to unavailable, I want to take the time in event Timestamp row that…
I am new to ETL but I will give this a try. Thanks Mhouston