Need Help Changing to LAST 12 Months and sorting in proper order
The Card below shows the total call volume by month, and I have a quick filter to modify the number of years. I created the following beast modes. Standard Date (X Axis) DATE_ADD(addTimestamp, INTERVAL (YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - YEAR((addTimestamp))) year) Count of 'Addtimestamp' y Axis Reported Years for the Series (…
Adding data for days of the week for multiple weeks.
I am trying to recreate the below that I do in Excel. These are call counts pulled in from counting the "add timestamp field". I also created a day of the week and every 30 mins in beast mode.
Subtotals for Time on a Card
How do I get subtotals for time calculated by beast mode?
Help With Beast Mode Calculation
I have a dataset that has the following Fields Agent Name - Name of the agent Agent Status= This is the state the agent was changed to . Available, Unavailable, Idle etc. EventTime = Equals the timestamp that the agent status changed to I need to calculate the time the agent was in that state, for example, Agent changed…