DomoDork Contributor


  • Hey Grant, The source datasets are federated Dremio datasets so we're not actually copying data and federated datasets arent supported with virtual datasets. We don't want to copy data at all (since thats live data) and views seem to add alot of overhead on top of federated datasets. So we're just trying to figure out a…
  • @JosephMeyers - that was it, thanks! I dont know why but I somehow missed 'Start Workflow' when scrolling through the list of service tasks. It was at the very bottom and I guess I didnt scroll far enough. Before that I kept looking in the code engine area and since it wasnt listed there, I figured it wasnt something built…
  • Hey Mark, That part makes total sense (how to pass parameters about between workflows). The part thats not clicking for me is how to execute the second workflow from the first. I assume you do it with a code engine package and hit an API but maybe I'm misunderstanding how workflows interact with one another.
  • Perfect! Thank you both so much! I brought that data in but never clicked that the entityid was what I was looking for.
  • @ArborRose - I feel you there and still agree there should be much more customization and control over table visuals in general. Weirdly, I have all these visuals at my fingertips but everyone always wants tables of data. I guess excel really has ingrained itself pretty hard among the masses… part of it is on me to educate…
  • @ArborRose - I have an idea for you that may make your life easier. Domo has an ODBC driver. I'm betting you could install that on the machine your SQL server sits on then configure a linked server on the SQL Server side. That way, you can query and view Domo data live using standard MS SQL. I havent done it myself, but we…
  • This is a good idea. Domo also has a fiscal calendar feature and it would go hand in hand with that as well.
  • @Anna_Otake could you do a COUNT(DISTINCT LY Email Sends) to ensure your getting unique email sends and not total sends per day? Edit: @MichelleH beat me to it :)
  • Some of this is already do-able as you are allowed to use HTML/CSS tags inside beast modes to control color, border, adding images and icons next to results etc but it definitely could use some major upgrades in the visual department. Here's the support documentation showing some examples of controlling a table look and…
  • @SlickVic - I agree 1000000%. This was one thing we loved about SQL Server Reporting Services. It allowed us to force end-users to choose required filters before getting data back/seeing visuals. This had a massive impact in saving on the amount of data being crunched and improved the speed of reports/visuals…
  • @marcel_luthi Thanks. I figured as much. It's not a documented API endpoint so I figured why not try to give it a shot and see if it works anyway. It's unfortunate because had it worked, it would have saved me so much time since I wouldn't have to go off and develop a bunch of ETL's bringing a bunch of governance data…
  • I know this thread is a bit old, but I'd like to add my thoughts on this feature. While it seems we can now define our own attributes which is really nice, it still requires those values come from IDP/SSO if you want those new attributes to be automatically inherited and locked down so the values on the profile cant be…
  • Hey Grant - No. Usually in a brick you can skip that. Just for the sake of trying I've tried with and without it.
  • So, I found the API to render an image of a given card id :) That is good enough to at least show the cards as images in their most updated state and render them in a brick that I can make clickable. :) Here's my example code to do this. var renderCardUrl = /content/v1/cards/kpi/{{card_id}}/render?parts=image,summary; var…
  • @MarkSnodgrass @GrantSmith - Right after I posted my last response, I found a partial solution. All I did was go into a card → share menu → embed to get the direct <iframe> code Domo generates for embedding in a brick. The giant downside doing it this way however is that you must enable embedding on every card so Domo can…
  • @MarkSnodgrass - thank you for the insight. I watched that video the other day and the Domo Workshop video on youtube where they show off their dynamic landing page demo and thats what inspired the question :) I tried the iframe approach before posting and it did exactly as you described so that a bummer. If I don't…
  • 100% agree here. pFilters for variables and for OnFilterUpdate() would be HUGE and go a long way towards more dynamic and reusability of cards/dashboards.
  • Hi @pimogo I realize this is an old post at this point and you've probably already solved it, but here is how I did it in a DOMO brick. <a href="#" onclick="javascript:domo.navigate('/page/-100000/kpis/details/1259181756', true);"> The true parameter will open the link in a new tab/window, false will open the link in the…
  • Isn't using MySQL about 3x the cost from a pricing perspective compared to a MagicETL execution? Thats not something everyone wants to swallow. But @Simon_King - I just remembered that in the last Domopolooza event, they showed off a SQL Tile in MagicETL that is coming very very soon so theoretically that would work!
  • I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of a seperate sort tile. Rank and Window is fine, but not every situation calls for a window function or the additional configuration/grouping options needed for Rank and Window to function the way you want or expect. And as Apurkhardt mentions, there are actual use cases that rank and…
  • I'm working through PDP automation as a new customer and this is exactly what I struggle with. Since I can't impersonate other users as Admin, it's extremely difficult to verify and audit that PDP is working as expected. This would be HUGE and very much needed.
  • Agreed. I'm a new customer with Domo so I'm in the middle of a planning phase to get the platform setup the way we need it before rolling it out to the wider company but one of the features we were looking at was the fiscal calendar. I'm in the same boat as you where I've got a ton of clients and all of them their own take…
  • Thanks Grant! That seems like an oversight that can be easily implemented. I'll submit feedback to my CSM and the idea exchange.
  • @pstrauss You're very welcome! If you try it out and get stuck or need any guidance please feel free to message me directly and I'll help where I can. If you implement it successfully, a quick follow-up here would be greatly appreciated as well. I'm just trying to be mindful of others who might find this technique useful…
  • Hi pstrauss, You can do this in a MagicETL. The best way I've found to do this is using the Python Scripting Block. In the example I put together for you, I wanted to make it simple to configure which words end up capitalized without having to reconfigure my ETL every time I want to add a new preposition. In the design…
  • Hey kpmwinston - I recently had this same requirement and solved it via MagicETL and using the Dynamic Unpivot + Python Scriprting blocks. The idea goes something like this: Add dataset A as a datasouce in MagicETL Add dataset B as a 2nd datasource in MagicETL Drag two unpivot blocks into your flow, and connect one to…