@jaeW_at_Onyx Thank you so much for the suggestions! I will be switching these ETLs over to Magic 2.0 and take a look into Adrenaline.
Would you mind sharing a screen shot of the column names in your dataset?
It seems you may need to include a Case statement into the beast mode since you are checking for when the Department Name equals a value. Something along the lines of: CASE WHEN 'Department Name' = "Revenue" THEN ABS('Transaction Currency Amount') END
You wouldn't be able to display anything underneath, but you can create a BeastMode calculation Concatinating two or more values which you can then display as the summary number. Here is an example of production from number of loans I used:
@LLucinski You may need to change your date range to All Time.
Here is some documentation on how to connect your SharePoint account to Domo: You can find the connector if you search for SharePoint in the AppStore.
You could try a BeastMode around the lines of: case when `Date` = CURRENT_DATE() then CURRENT_DATE() ELSE SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE(), interval 1 day) end and use that as yourY-axis
If you remove the fill color it should work. For some reason, the fill color overrides the green above target rule.
You can use your Beast Mode Calculation as your target value and then in the General Settings change the color source to 'Green Above Target'.
You can try limiting the data rows and see if this achieves the result you are looking for. In the analyzer view near the bottom right of the screen you can set how many rows you'd like to show, and then you'd need to sort your results how you'd like them to appear.
Good morning, I spent some time yesterday and this morning playing around with this and researching the knowledge base and I only came across one potential solution so far. You are able to contact your Domo CSM in regards to uploading a fiscal calander in which you can specify what day is the start of the week. Here is the…
Good morning, Unfortunatley there isn't a way to have a table display numbers for the rows. However, depending on how you want your data numbered and ordered in the table you could add a rank to the dataflow.
Was the goal not to show the Last date in the data set everyday? Which means it should be updated everyday.
You could try a beastmode using MAX(Date) and it should always select the last date in the dataset.
If I were to set default company pages could I apply PDPs for pages that only some users should have access to? Thanks for your help.
Would you mind posting a screen shot so I can see what links are showing?
Do you have a table for the advirtiser information? If so, you can start with that table and join in the two years data SELECT A.Advirtiser, B.Week, B.2019 Revenue, C.2020 Revenue FROM AdvirtiserInformation A LEFT JOIN 2019 B ON A.Advirtiser = B.Advirtiser LEFT JOIN 2020 C ON A.Advirtiser = C.Advirtiser AND B.Week = C.Week
Since there are column names that are used in both datasets, you must specify where they come from. For example: SELECT A.`Week`, A.`Advertiser`, A.`2019 Revenue` from `2019` as a left join `2020` as b on a.`Week` = b.`Week` and a.`Advertiser` = b.`Advertiser` Since you're joining on the week it will be the same data, you…
I'm not sure if you've tried this approach or if it even works on pivot tables but you can try to create a BeastMode with html styling elements. Example: CASE `salesperson` when 'Bob' then CONCAT('<span style="color:red">',`salesperson`,'</span>') else `salesperson` end Here is some documentation from the Knowledge Base:…
Scratch that: the week over week still shows week 13. Let me keep playing around with this and I will let you know what I figure out.
Try this: CASE WHEN CONCAT(YEAR(`Date`),WEEK(`Date`)) = CONCAT(YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()),WEEK(CURRENT_DATE())) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Then use this as your filter. Hopefully I'm understanding right haha!
My apologies, you're correct in saying that approach doesn't work. It seems like your data starts with a date table and then joins in the ticket responses. Would it be possible to join the date to your responses so there are no blank dates?
I've never heard of this issue or run into it personally; however, it sounds like something you may want to reach out to your CSM about (more of a backend issue). Best of luck!
Would you be able to add Number of Tickets as a filter and filter out all Null/empty values?
@jaeW_at_Onyx This is some great info! Thank you so much for your input.
We're mainly sending out surveys to members focused around satisfaction from their last transaction or business done at a branch (I work at a Credit Union). I was wondering if others in similar or different fields were noticing that their survey responses are gradually becomming lower, or if maybe it is the way we as a…
@MarkSnodgrass Sorry about that! It's a bad habbit I am trying to break. Here is the updated code: SELECT Q.`Agent` , U.`Position`, U.`BranchDescription`, (ADDDATE(D.`LastDayOfQuarter`, -180)) AS MinDate, (D.`LastDayOfQuarter`) AS MaxDate, COUNT(DISTINCT Q.`Response ID`) as SurveyCount, AVG(CASE WHEN Q.`Question ID` =…
@MarkSnodgrass Unforunatley that didn't work. I beleive the main problem is that since the end date (date survey received) is being joined with date, since there have been no surveys for an agent in 2020, the most recent PeriodEnd date it is pulling is December 31, 2019. I'm wondering if I should make some sort of CASE…
Are you currently on the Admin Setting view or the Manage Pages view?
As of now, there isn't a way to have a full dashboard as a publication. It will only create the publication/slideshow out of the cards on the dashboard which in turn would lose the functionality of the dashboard. I'm not sure if this is something that's been mentioned or if they are working on this feature but it may be a…