ArborRose Coach


  • Got it. I have not braved the world of custom connectors yet.
  • FYI: In App Studio, you can go to Page Settings and change the filter options, including turn off the PDP icons.
  • I have not tried this myself. Perhaps there is a page setting in App Studio that is disrupting the functionality.
  • In Python… today = datetime.utcnow() today = today.replace(microsecond=0) past_date = today - timedelta(days=30) formatted_today = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') formatted_past_date = past_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') print("Current date in required format:", formatted_today) print("Date 30 days ago in…
  • What's the language?
  • I would handle it in an ETL. You have a huge dataset. I deal with 15-20Mil rows. Depending upon your data, you may be able to pull parts of transactions (such as current year, current quarter, etc) and append. I pull past years less frequently than I pull quarterly transactions. I combine the datasets to get a full set for…
  • Sounds frustrating, especially when support isn't helpful. Do you have any access to Cloudflare settings that might be blocking the Domo request? Perhaps you can request whitelisting the Domo IP address? I have had issues with connectors in the past where our networks security and firewall were blocking access or ports.…
  • The error suggests there's an issue with the SSL certificate verification. SSL is the secured socket layer (security certificate). Possibly the SSL certificate has expired or been improperly configured? Missing CA (Certificate Authority)? Or possibly the network is blocking something in firewall or port settings.
  • It sounds like domo is expecting a different Excel format. Whether that happened because of the Workbench update or a change in your files, I could not say. But it sounds like something in the update changed the way it reads the file. Domo Support would be your best bet.
  • Each dataset has an id shown in the URL when you look at the data. Can you use an anchor reference link pointing at the id for each of your drilldowns? <a href=""></a>
  • Do a search on community forums for "pfilter". You should find some examples of passing parameters.
  • There is a way. In a past post I gave an example of creating a link that passes specific parameters to the page. I'll try to find it for reference.
  • The message "Insufficient developer role: insufficient developer role" means the assigned team member might not have the permissions within the Instagram developer account to set up the Instagram connector. You need to ensure that the person has the developer role assigned to them in the Instagram Developer account. This…
  • Based on the error, it sounds like the body of the email you sent didn't match the expected pattern defined by the regex filter. But you aren't showing us either so its difficult to tell you what pattern isn't matching.
  • One possible solution is to ensure that each chunk you upload is consecutive in terms of the data. It seems like you're attempting to split the data into chunks of 800,000 rows each, but it's possible that the rows aren't consecutive across these chunks. Perhaps something like this: Import necessary libraries import pandas…
  • Sorry, I meant to add some text to that response. I don't think you can directly map Calculation IDs to Beast Mod IDs. But I think you can use the API to retrieve the information. I have provided links that should point to the appropriate documentation.
  • Domo Developer Portal: Dataset API Documentation: Beast Mode API Documentation:
  • As mentioned, it's just (col1+col2)/2. Use coalesce(col1,0) if you have nulls. They will become zero.
  • To add the updatemethod=Append argument to your Domo object instantiation in Python, you can include it as a keyword argument like this domo = Domo(client_id, client_secret, api_host=api_host, updatemethod="Append")
  • //This code uses the example dataset… var domo = window.domo; var datasets = window.datasets; // get the data domo.get(`data/v1/${datasets[0]}`).then(function(result){ var tableHTML = "<table><tr>"; // Extract headers and make them bold var headers = Object.keys(result[0]); headers.forEach(function(header) { tableHTML +=…
  • Here's a couple screenshots showing two different ways I'm calling the dataset. Note the difference in function(result) vs handleResult.
  • Are you saving after you select the dataset at dataset0? It looks like you are calling the dataset properly. And you've selected it. What is the warning in the triangle?
  • Congratulations @david_cunningham.
  • Sign in to your Google account and find security settings. It should be under manage your google account, security. Check third-party apps with account access or something like that. You should see a list of apps that have access.
  • Note for anyone reading this thread. I believe Grant's solution will also work. But I did not test it. As Mark mentioned, TRY_CAST does appear to be working in the ETL. And that's where I want it happening so my issue is solved. Thank you both @MarkSnodgrass , @GrantSmith .
  • Testing it on a calculated field in a card, it's rejecting TRY_CAST as a valid command.
  • If the source is from Google, you wouldn't be editing the google data, you would be editing the dataset in Domo that came from google. Any edits would be overwritten when the dataset is refreshed from Google Sheets. You could create a dataflow to isolate the inline edits. That way it would not be updated by Google's…
  • Typically, you would do it on a date field. But I believe it will convert a string value using YEAR(`fsa_spending_year`) You can use aggregate functions like COUNT and SUM inside beast mode calculations. Just wrap the whole case statement in SUM(…). It's okay to be new. I haven't been on here as long as the ancient ones.…
  • You don't need SQL. In beast mode, make a calculation such as… CY: CASE WHEN year(`fsa_spending_year`)=year(curdate()) THEN `rfs_amount` ELSE 0 END For previous year, subtract 365 days. Two years previous, 730 days. Etc. PY: CASE WHEN year(`fsa_spending_year`) = year(date_sub(curdate(), interval 365 day)) THEN rfs_amount…
  • Did you run them concurrently or one after the other finished? Based on the error it sounds like its saying you can't authenticate a second time while something is already running. Meaning, wait until its finished to then do the second…using the same account. And make sure that account isn't attempting to log in somewhere…