@gkonkoff - you can update directly on this post. Up at the top where @jorgy has started this message is an upvote button.
Try using an ETL instead of beast mode. Create a total rating calculation column that computes the sum logic at the dataset level. Then create a beast mode calculation as a silcer. CASE WHEN `total_rating` >= 0 AND `total_rating` <= 6 THEN 'High Risk' WHEN `total_rating` >= 7 AND `total_rating` <= 12 THEN 'Medium Risk'…
I agree with what @david_cunningham said. There's isn't a way…using drill paths. I was suggesting you can try pfilters as a solution. But pfilters wouldn't be using your drill paths. You would create columns with pfilters that direct to whatever page you want and induce whatever filter you desire. Whether you drill back to…
That error normally means you have a data type wrong. Check the schema to make sure your date fields are proper date types. Check your data source. If it's an Excel file, make sure that column is formatted as date. You can also override the schema under Admin menu…Governance Toolkit > Schema Management.
You could use COALESCE to make sure the sum of the estimated youtube ad revenue does not return NULL. SELECT *, CASE WHEN SUM("AD_IMPRESSIONS") IS NULL OR SUM("AD_IMPRESSIONS") = 0 THEN 0 ELSE COALESCE(SUM("ESTIMATED_YOUTUBE_AD_REVENUE"), 0) / (SUM("AD_IMPRESSIONS") / 1000) END AS "CPM" FROM "youtube_monthly"
Yes, you can put CASE statements in the SELECT or in the criteria (WHERE clause).
The NaN means "not a number". LIkely due to a divide by zero issue. Maybe try catching the condition SELECT *, CASE WHEN sum("AD_IMPRESSIONS") IS NULL OR sum("AD_IMPRESSIONS") = 0 THEN NULL ELSE sum("ESTIMATED_YOUTUBE_AD_REVENUE") / (sum("AD_IMPRESSIONS") / 1000) END AS "CPM"
I believe LinkedIn uses its own Geocoding identifiers to represents countries, cities, and other areas. I don't think they publish an official mapping to their codes. You could do a internet search for something like "unofficial LinkedIn geocode mapping". Or try to connect to the LinkedIn API and get a full geographic…
I don't have any issues scheduling Jupyter Notebooks. On the Python code, there's a link for schedule as DataFlow. When you click and setup the link, you will see the ipynb file in your dataflows.
Are you talking about adding the user to you Domo instance? Or adding the user to an app? The error sounds like a configuration or permission issue with authentication. • Are both user's on the same allowable domain (same email company)? • Does the activity log (Admin > Activity Log) show you any details? • Check user…
If you create a public embed without a login, it can't enforce the PDP. You have to somehow tell the report who is looking at it and filter it accordingly.
I don't think Domo will allow you to write JavaScript in the browser that can post back to the dataset. You would need a backend service to receive the data from the user and then use the Domo API to write to the dataset. Something like the following. const express = require('express'); const axios = require('axios');…
Have you considered other methods of achieving the outcome? What about something like an html page that allows a selection of clients, pointing to Domo dashboards backed up by different datasets? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,…
Sorry, I can't watch the video right now. But I can see your question. You should be able to include a button in your brick that triggers JavaScript to refresh location.reload(); If you add html for the button, something like the following should work: #refreshButton { margin: 10px; padding: 10px 20px; background-color:…
It sounds like there's a problem with the connector itself. I suggest reporting the problem to Domo Support. You've limited the data to a single data. That should give you a small size dataset. But even with a single-day range, pulling data "By ASIN By Date" can result in a large dataset depending on the number of ASINs…
You can learn about the Domo certifications at Login and there is a link for certifications. Data Specialist Certification Focuses on preparing, transforming, and managing datasets in Domo. Includes hands-on practice with ETL…
I think you are getting confused by your data. The answers to your data would not be what you show. Your last record overlaps but your display says it doesn't. I did it using SQL Dataflow. SELECT a.order_number, a.customer, a.business_unit, CASE WHEN a.start_date < b.end_date AND a.end_date > b.start_date THEN 'Yes' ELSE…
@art_in_sky - I haven't done this for anything myself. I'd have to work through it. I would probably try to leverage the Domo Embed API. Embed the card in an iframe and add an export button to append ?export=true. domo.get(`/v1/cards/{CARD_ID}`) .then((card) => { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src…
Did the schema of the data change? Is this something you can test on another dataset? Or test from another computer to make sure it's not something on your environment?
I think this is a great idea @DavidChurchman. But let’s take it to the next level. Forget just LOLs—let’s see some ROFLs, LMAOs, and maybe even a few virtual facepalms.
Congratulations and thank you - @JasonAltenburg, and @Data_Devon.
If your objective is to read a Domo dataset into a brick, but not on-the-fly upload via a button, then this example should help. This example pulls the default dataset, "Example Sales Data". You can pull other datasets into the brick. var domo = window.domo; var datasets = window.datasets; // get the data…
The Facebook Advanced Connector in Domo is typically used to pull data from Facebook's APIs, allowing you to analyze both organic and paid metrics. What Each Report Represents Page Posts Report: Provides details about individual posts, including real-time or short-term metrics such as post-specific likes, comments, and…
I agree with @ggenovese. You may want to look at using the period over period charts. As for your beast mode, maybe changing your condition logic to something like: CASE WHEN Title LIKE '%OTT%' AND MONTH(`Date`) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN 'Current Month' WHEN Title LIKE '%OTT%' AND MONTH(`Date`) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) -…
Generally, when I create a Domo brick I use notepad ++ and create an html file to work through the problem. If it works in html, I then try putting into the Domo brick and work from there. In this case, I can make a solution work in native html and JavaScript, but it isn't working in Domo. Paste the following into an html…
I think you would have to do some kind of custom styling script. <html> <head> <style> .radio-group { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 10px; /* Adjust spacing as needed */ } .radio-group input[type="radio"] { margin: 0 5px 0 0; /* Adjust margin as needed */ } </style> </head> <body> <div class="radio-group">…
I wanted to follow-up with a bit more information in case someone reading has trouble with this. An Azure database can be hosted in Microsoft Azure. Or you might have an Azure VM server in the Azure environment, running a Microsoft SQL database. I just successfully completed a connection to a MS SQL Database on an Azure…
Domo supports embedding dashboards, but it is done through Publish Dashboard or Domo Everywhere. (I'm not familiar with any API endpoint.) The Domo API does not provide functionality to dynamically switch datasets within an embedded dashboard. Dashboard views in Domo are tied to specific datasets as defined during…
Just for clarity, what @Data_Devon is referencing is your field name, not a static value. DATE_ADD(`your_date_field`, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
I only know to set it for the company. Admin > Company settings. The functionality has been requested: And in this previous request - a loom link was shared but it doesn't appear active.