ArborRose Coach


  • I think you posted the same question twice. Cards are linked by a dataset's common fields. If you first create a card with your data, then make a separate "filter" card….make sure you use the same dataset. And make sure the field used on your filter also appears on the other card. When you select a value on the filter…
  • Cards connect by common fields in the dataset. When you make a dropdown (filter charttype) card, make sure you use the same dataset and make sure the field / column exists in both cards.
  • Setting up two separate email connectors may seem like overkill, but it would be a clean and reliable way to make sure the files get to the right dataset. Since these are apparently manually triggered, having two separate connectors would make sure each file is processed independently as soon as the email is received. note…
  • Depending upon the process, you can append rather than replace. I bring xlsx files into Domo using Domo WorkBench…find it under admin > toolkit. You could also setup an ETL to merge the two using the Append tile. But it might trigger unecessary credits on your account. You could also create an external application to merge…
  • You can append it using ETL append rows tile. I do this to bring in legacy datasets that don't get updated on a daily basic.
  • I know the following isn't a "clean" solution….but may help you identify how to get your solution. Using something like this, you can identify the "hour" segments someone worked. You could then count the occurrences within the hour segments. Such as getting the number of people working at six o'clock: SUM(CASE WHEN…
  • The invite I received shows April 25th at 10 AM MT.
  • I don't think the workflow is designed support direct querying or executing SQL from within the brick itself. You probably need to incorporate additional steps that handle the query.
  • Have you tried using Rank?
  • In your export, it might be affected by how you have configured the API, or how the data is stored in Domo's dataset. In the Admin > Toolkit there's a schema management tool for adjusting the data structure of a dataset. You may also consider using something like Python to perform your export. I use Python to export my…
  • I believe to change the dataset that your brick is connected to, you'll need to adjust the configuration within the brick itself. Open the configuration settings and look for the option where you specify the dataset that the brick is connected to. This is labeled as "Dataset" or something similar. Sorry, I'm not currently…
  • I believe the token limit is a security feature designed to prevent abuse. Each token represents a user session or authorization to access the data, and there are limits imposed to prevent overuse. Instead of generating new tokens for each user or sessions, you can possibly reuse tokens. Or manage the expirations more…
  • The error message you're receiving suggests that the Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant where the application is registered does not have the specified application installed or consented to. This error typically occurs when the application (in this case, the one trying to connect to Sharepoint) is not registered in the…
  • Applying color rules at the cell level based on the comparison of two columns directly is not directly supported. As you mentioned, you can try to create a beast mode calculation that compares the values of columns A and B and sets a flag accordingly. Then, apply color rules based on the flag.
  • The error in the provided Domo code lies in the mismatched parentheses at the end of the CASE statement. You have an extra ) before the THEN 1 clause. (CASE WHEN week_id <= ( CASE WHEN CURRENT_DATE() BETWEEN '2024-02-10' AND '2024-02-16' THEN 1 WHEN CURRENT_DATE() BETWEEN '2024-02-17' AND '2024-02-23' THEN 2 WHEN…
  • Oh…make it less than but not equal if you want up to today but not including today.
  • The condition "<= month(CURDATE())" means compare years up until today's date. It is comparing Jan through today (April 18, 2024). For specific ranges like a specific month: To include records where the month is April - SUM(CASE WHEN YEAR(DocDate) = YEAR(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR)) AND MONTH(DocDate) = 4 THEN…
  • That's the formula I use. The version you show is not summing the full year. That month condition means it is summing YTD (year to date)…..less than or equal to the current month. You need to put some more criteria to it for the period you want. I am about to go to a meeting, I'll try to give you something specific when I…
  • I don't think there's a built-in feature. But you could create another column in the dataset to represent the colors based on your value criteria. And use custom marker icons (blue and red airplane icons), assigning them based on the data.
  • @Dobbrunz - the problem I had was that I could not find an example using Domo. I was eventually able to find a way to do it using blank brick. See my code and example below. The result is good but the implementation is too much work.
  • Applying PDP to a dataset restricts access to the underlying data. You still need to separately grant user access to view alerts that use that dataset. Make sure users have been granted appropriate permissions at both the dataset and alert levels to ensure they can access the data and receive alerts.
  • I believe in Domo, when you apply a PDP policy to an alert, it limits the data displayed in the alert, based on the permissions specified in the policy. Applying PDP to an alert wouldn't automatically grant access to view.
  • The following link is to a Domo created presentation. When we gave an internal presentation, we showed a brief slideshow of our topology. Then we demonstrated how we bring data into Domo, display it in Domo, and how we use extracts to populate other information on our network. I would suggest you use an existing dashboard…
  • I think it would depend upon the specific functionality and actions that the add-in performs.
  • In most cases, the expires_in value is expressed in seconds. Therefore, in your example, the expires_in value of 3599 indicates that the access token is valid for approximately 3599 seconds, or about 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
  • That's a question for Domo. Possibly someone else can comment with another way.
  • One way you might be able to get it would be through the Domo API using Python. import requests Set up authenticationheaders = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' } Make API request to retrieve user profileresponse = requests.get('', headers=headers) Check if request was successfulif…
  • The original posted question mentioned the dataset changing every morning. And that refresh was over-writing the responses entered. If you use more than one dataset, you can refresh the main set without impeding upon your answers in another. Use a "key" field, like an ID that is common to both. In the data, let's assume…
  • Okay…I see the connector you posted. It shows the credentials need to come from the azure portal active directory. That can get tricky and possibly involve firewall ports.