AS Coach


  • We just started building out a governance dashboard with the governance datasets. So far, here's what we have: Vacant Pages By User: A count of pages by user that have no cards and no subpages. Built on the Governance Pages dataset. We found out one of our users had built over two dozen pages with no content! Outdated…
  • Something like this should get you started, where you replace the number with your value column. addtime( str_to_date(DATE_ADD('01-JAN-1900', INTERVAL 43497.2411 day),'%Y-%d-%m') ,mod(43497.2411,1)*24*60*60 ) For time you may need to adjust for some Leap Day issues as discussed in the comments here.
  • Others may have an opinion on this but I differentiate the two like this: A "page" is a Domo term for a specified location where one may display cards in various forms and groupings. One of these groupings could be a collection of cards that make up a dashboard. The way Domo uses the Dashboard term is a specific type of…
  • If the Data Governance connector has the information we need for metrics like this, is there a reason to bring Domo data out to another source with the API, other than to make the data available for other systems?
  • If you're willing to share, I bet a number of us here would be interested in what that solution looks like!
  • You're welcome and that method sounds great. I'd set a single card with the summary number as a beast mode which calculates the number of datasets running late, and the main content of the card being a list of all datasets and their status. You'd get an alert when the count of datasets out of date is too high and then…
  • I've had the same question and I've used and heard of a few ways to watch out. First, if your users are like mine, they'll definitely tell you before you figure anything out. They're like the autodetect. The bad thing is those are the people you don't want to find out if something has gone wrong. So I've built cards whose…
  • Welcome! What I'd do is bring your data into a Magic ETL dataflow and put it through the Collapse Columns transform to restructure it: Rec Value A 05 A 10 B 12 B 00 B 19 Then in the card you can just simply count the occurences. You could also join in a mapping chart for what each of these codes means in terms of color.…
  • DATE_FORMAT will take a date and alter the format it appears in, but it won't take a string and make it a date. You'll need a different approach. What does your string represent? Milliseconds since a certain date?
  • Strange. When in doubt, reboot and try again? Otherwise, file a bug with
  • In my opinion every filter you apply, whether permanent on the card, quick filter, or otherwise, should be applied to all drill downs. If this isn't the case I'd think it was a bug. For me in Google Chrome, the quick filters do apply to drills.
  • Was the separated rows by equipment intentional? I was thinking you wanted them all on the same rows, given each type had its own column. Good sleuthing. It would have been difficult to resolve without testing that whitespace.
    in append rows Comment by AS February 2019
  • In your append it looks like you have 6 new columns for each equipment and movement ID. These columns aren't all simultaneously populated in each row, so when you try to join the data on three values where only one exists (a row of data doesn't have a trailer, driver, and tractor ID, it only has one of them because of the…
    in append rows Comment by AS February 2019
  • That's an alternative then, I guess. With the right labels, that might make decent sense. 0-7 Days 8-30 Days 31-90 Days etc
  • Is the data accurate if you click on multiple selections (even if it's not the ideal workflow)?
  • Does that work when you try "Previous 30", "Previous 90", etc? Because I would think with the way case statements work, once a match has found, the value is assigned only once. So a date three days ago is simultaneously "Previous 7", "Previous 30", and "Previous 90", but would only appear in the "Previous 7" since that…
  • I was thinking you could do a beast mode to give yourself the options, but one row of data may be part of several of the options, so I'm not sure that's a great option. One alternative, instead of the calendar view, would be the min/max slider view (Range Selector card type). It's an even simpler interface than either of…
  • This closely mimics what is sometimes referred to here as a recursive dataflow. Your output is used as an input after running the dataflow initially. It's not just that the datasets have the same names, it's that the dataset becomes an input to itself (same DSID). You should be able to increment your row value that way.…
  • Add a replace text tile next after the string operation.
  • Good hack. Nice!
  • I was just about to suggest LPAD. Solving it on the data source side is the best solution, but LPAD is what I used most often. But we always use SQL dataflows, and it sounds like you might be using the Magic ETL version, which doesn't have that function that I'm aware.
  • You set the column type to text within a Domo dataflow? That will just take a digit of zero and turn it into a character of 0, not add zeros. Were you able to try fixing the datatype outside of Domo first?
  • Is your column a number instead of a string? It sounds to me like it's a number and they always drop leading zeros. Can you bring the column in as a string instead? It's probably best to do that before Domo gets it for the first time. If you can convert the data type upfront, I think that's your best bet. In case that's…
  • Shot in the dark here, but should it be DECLARE fme CURSOR IS... ?
  • Can you be a bit more specific about what you mean? Do you need your currency symbol added to the list of symbols in the card axis currency format list (dollar, yen, euro, pound)?
  • Have you tried Google AdSense? https://[your instance]
    in Google Ads Comment by AS January 2019
  • I've personally used betweens in beast modes but not in context like this. I've usually used it with dates, not numbers. Try: CASE when `FieldValue` <= -16 then 'Bad' when `FieldValue` > 0 then 'OK' when `FieldValue` > -15 and `FieldValue` <= -1 then 'Good' else 'Ugly' end
  • If you want the year aggregated as a total next to the monthly totals, you would probably have to do a dataflow for that special aggregation. The card is going to make the breakdowns all at the same level. Domo isn't great at inserting rollups into the chronology like that.
  • You can add this idea on the Ideas Exchange portion of this forum if you haven't done so already, or search to see if it exists already and upvote that idea.
  • You'd want to do a statement like this in the output: select * from final Once there's on output you can save the dataflow. The knowledge base article leaves it open ended as what to do next: "You can now use the “final” table in subsequent transforms, including Output DataSets transforms."