ARosser Member


  • I didn't think that would work because text and number fields usually don't work well together. But it did! Thanks everyone for the ideas!
  • I have come up with a potential solution. It feels very bulky at the moment and there is one annoying element. I created 2 textbox variables, 'From' and 'To'. I set the defaults to 1 and 365 respectively. The intent is to dynamically select the desired range. I then modified my beast mode. CASE WHEN MAX(CASE WHEN Days…
  • In the case that the range selected was 0-180 (1-30,31-60,61-90,91-180) then yes, Customer B would also be included. I do have the raw Aging days. The frustrating thing is that by using the Aging Range or Aging Days the reports seems to filter on those before filtering on the Include/Exclude flag. Either that, or the…
  • Thanks. I am able to get it to work using a variable, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to. One of the most highly requested feature when I first convert this report from Excel was the ability to filter on multiple ranges. As variable only allow single select that kills that. Ugh.
  • No worries. I was wrong anyways. It's not working. I swear it was, but I'm back to just filtering by the ranges selected. Ugh
  • I was able to figure it out in the end. Thanks for the jumping off point. CASE WHEN MAX(CASE WHEN Aging Range IN ('1-30','31-60','61-90','91-120','121-150','151-180','181-365','>365') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY Customer) > 0 THEN 'Include' ELSE 'Exclude' END
  • Thanks for your response. I'm following the logic, but I'm guessing I wasn't clear enough. The user has the ability to select from multiple ranges. Maybe my brain has just decided to take a vacation, but I can't put 2 and 2 together.
  • That's the one I've been looking at primarily and It's really not getting into the detail I need. I guess what I'm needing is something that combines the set up process as well has the functionality. I have a column currently that I can use as a flag. If [Flag] = 'Done' THEN do nothing If [Flag] = 'Create' THEN Append If…
  • Thanks. I ended up making a few modifications to the base dataset so I could attach the alert to it. Good to know that only views seem to be impacted.
  • That's what I did to get an alert running again, but the column values I had setup previously are not working. This is the email I got this morning.
  • @ColemenWilson That seems like the best option. Now to go down that rabbit hole.
  • But it appears I am getting dinged on my credits for the rows themselves in those datasets. As an example, this dataset hasn't run in 9 months.
  • Thanks @DavidChurchman. I will look into this further. @MichelleH nothing crazy. Just making sure Visual Studio, SQL, and Domo Workbench are consistently treating empty strings as NULLs. We don't have control over the source data formatting so I have to clean everything up on my end. But it all goes wonky once it hits a…
  • Unfortunately the only option for a separator is a comma. The test I am separating already has commas and therefore it makes it less legible. Using the MySQL Dataflow I am able to use \r\n which acts as a line break. Thanks!