How to get Prior Year Values on the same table row
I’m trying to create a row which shows the “Prior Year” value against a field for comparison, simply a 12 month offset of the data as shown below with the "Value" field. This would later enable me to create YoY differences. I will also note that I'm looking for a solution that should be able to transcend filters i.e. you…
Heatmap for Pivot Tables
Is there no heatmap options available for a pivot table? Is there a workaround? Its already present for the normal tables.
Table cards: Expand/Collapse on Multiple Columns
Currently, I can get a single level of expand/collapse functionality on the first column of a table if I add subtotals. I would like to be able to add the expand/collapse button to any columns.
Correctly show financial information: Show positive sign on Expenses, COGS, Other Expenses.
As a financial dashboard, currently the way that domo display the P&L is incorrect. In the P&L, the table follows the formula: Total Net Income = Income - Cost of Goods Sold - Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses in the card. However, all the COGS, Expenses and Other Expenses are showing the negative signs which…
Allow ONLY HEADER text to wrap in table card
Please give us a chart property for mega tables to allow ONLY HEADER TEXT to wrap. Allowing the whole thing to wrap can cause uneven sized rows, which is really hard to read. But, a longer header can cause a wider-than-needed column. I've played with setting the column sizes via chart properties, but that can cause headers…
"Add All Columns" button for Mega Table Charts
When looking at data in a mega table chart, I find myself frequently going through the list of dimension and measure columns and adding each individual column, one-by-one. I suggest adding a "Add All Fields" button to bring in all Dimension and Measures Fields in the DataSet - See Picture Example 1. Alternatively, add…
Icon Library for Table/Pivot Cards
Currently, html is required in order to display icons dynamically based on a range in a table card. It would be great if there was instead an icon library available in table cards (and pivot tables) where icons could be selected from the library and then assigned to a range through the configuration properties of the…
Table card column borders and padding/empty columns for visual enhancement
In excel, financial statements and schedules often include empty columns to visually separate or group together columns showing different metrics. It would be great if Domo had the ability to insert padded columns in the same way. Currently when you have a table card that displays multiple metrics and variances, it all…
Variance % formula not working correctly at Grand Total
What I am trying to do is look at Monthly Headcount Trend (Variance %) by Billable, Non-Billable and Total. My approach to identify change % is : (Current Month - Previous Month) / Previous Month. Since, it will be showing multiple months data in a tabular form, so I used the following formula for Variance % (SUM( CASE…
Number Abbreviation Options
Can we please have the option to fix the number abbreviation at a certain level, i.e., have all numbers always displayed in K, M, or B? Currently the abbreviations are automatically determined, but dashboard users have found it confusing to mix the units of measures in the same table.
Adjust Column Widths in Pivot Tables
Currently, you can set column widths under "General" properties of a regular table, but not a pivot table. This doesn't allow us to maximize space on the page.
Mega/HTML Table Border Options
Options to select and customize border attributes to highlight different sub-groups in your data table (please refer to the attached image). I tried to do this via the subtotals option but this is dependent on the first column. However, for readability I need to have the first column as Customer Name and the table sorted…
Beast Mode Calculation used to view data in Table
My question is related to showing Comments/ Verbatim in a Table using a Beast Mode to Apply Business Rule. In Org Survey, we want to make sure that if we have less than 5 unique comments then don't show the comments. If the Business Rule of >= 5 comment is met, only then show the comments/verbatim. Below is an example…
Filtering Question
I have a mega table report that is displaying customer invoice data. One of my filters is for the Aging Range. I have been asked to modify the filter to include all invoices for a customer if any of their invoices are in the filtered range. Meaning that in the below dataset if they selected to filter 151-180 all invoices…
Pivot Table switch values to show as columns or rows
Been working with Pivot tables for a while now, and one of the huge things I miss is the ability of selecting whether the values should be displayed as Columns vs Rows, something that you have in simple spreadsheet programs. This has proven useful when you want to show the same metric by different aggregations for example,…
Conditional Formatting - table MoM
Hello, I'm trying to set color rules/conditional formatting in a table card. What I'd like to do is set rules that if that months sales figure is higher than the previous it'll be green, if that months sales figures is lower than the previous it'll be red. (ex. If July sold 10, but Aug sold 8 August's value would show as…
Mega Table SubTotals in Brick
I am lost in how subtotals are integrated into a mega table in a brick. I started with the ten data source DDX brick, and I was comfortable with configuring the options and the two data queries; however, the subtotal has me stumped. Is the subtotal a third query or somehow handled with the data from the original query? I…
Pivot Table Coloring
I have a very simple question that is proving very tricky to work through. Given the following Pivot Table, I am just trying to highlight the "Actual" based on whether or not they hit their "Goal". Basic Color rules have not been working since you can't color a column based on another column. "Apply to Full Row" does not…
Beast Mode row highlight
Is it possible to highlight the entire row for a category in a pivot table in DOMO? In the above table I want the category 'c' and 'f' rows to be highlighted as they are the categories with the highest value in each type
Filtered Period Comparison reflect in tables
Hi I want to create a table where user can select the date comparisons between two periods. Just want them to pick the date comparison and the data reflect in the tables accordingly. And how to create another dimension with %chg based on two periods. For ex. User wants to see total GMV between Sept 1st to Sept 5th for 2024…
Pivot table enhancements
I would like for the ability to choose whether Pivot Tables expand/retract vertically rather than horizontally. Right now, each level is stored in it's own column. This often takes up a ton of unnecessary screen real estate. I'm envisioning something more like this… VS how pivot tables currently function
New Update Column Justification logic
Hey, There's been an update on how sort shows on table headers. When an item is centre-justified, the sort buttons offset the justification to the left, which makes it look absolutely rubbish. Has anyone got a workaround for this thats isn't removing sorting from the whole table? Best, Sam
Allow for "Other" category in mega-tables
I would like for there to be the option to define the max number of rows in a mega-table before grouping all others into an "Other" group. This functionality exists on bar charts, just looking for the same thing in tables. The idea originated because a lot of the time I want to be able to show to top N rows in a table, and…
Customize Color Theme / Reverse Order
I recently built a heatmap table where I want the lowest numbers up top. These start around -25 and end at -10 currently, but the numbers will change each time the chart is updated. I also only want to show 10 rows of data, so the table has been limited to the 10 top results. I want the heatmap to display negative numbers…
Workaround to Pivot tables pushing non-valued categories to the bottom.
Hi, I'm currently trying to build out a pivot table with custom sorts on both the row and column values. As has been mentioned before on the dojo; pivot tables will always override the sort so that non-values will display last even with a custom sort including the column/row headers. Has anyone found a workaround to this…
Not showing 'data' in Table View
Hello. I'd like to ask why my drill down card is not showing any data in my Table view. but when I checked the "Data Table", it should be showing something. When I tried removing either 'PO' or "LabelSerialNumber' columns, card data appears. But when both columns are present, no data is showing. I need both 'PO' and…
Image size doesn't reflect settings (table)
I am trying to set an icon in a table column that links to an outside site/page. The Beast Mode works as expected, but the table is not reflecting the style/height setting. The current version of the code is here: concat('<div><a href="https://xxxxxxxx.app.netsuite.com/app/common/entity/custjob.nl?id=',Customer Internal…
Drilldown tables on cards displaying info from multiple dates
I have a card that uses variables to display info from different date ranges - some columns show metrics for a custom date range (defined by the variables) and other columns show metrics for the current month. When I add drilldown tables the date filters seem to get confused - it keeps picking the current day, even though…
Median Value in Total Column
Hey all I'm creating a heatmap visual that compares our engineers' ticket cycle time against projects and uses the median value. When I add a total column to the graphic, the column sums the values above instead of calculating the median across all projects. Can the visual be adjusted to calculate an overall "Median"? ref:…
Displaying 1 to many records in a table
I have created a custom app for my users to be able to add notes to Invoices that are in collections. The relationship is 1 Invoice to many notes. Initially, my plan was to display the Invoice details in a table card ( Customer, Invoice #, Contact, Invoice Date, Invoiced Amount, Total Due, etc.) and the note data would…