DataFlow Error: Trying to Schedule DataFlow in Jupyter Workspace
Has anyone successfully resolved this error when trying to schedule as a DataFlow in Jupyter workspace? I don't have any other DataFlows scheduled in this workspace.
Scheduling Dataflows with Multiple Notebooks Within a Single Jupyter Workspace
You can only schedule one dataflow per workspace. Documentation is misleading saying you can schedule per notebook. Not true. https://domo-support.domo.com/minasan/s/article/36004740075?language=en_US#schedule_notebook The moment you open a second notebook and try to schedule it from within the same Jupyter workspace you…
Installing R Packages in Jupyter in Domo
I don't seem to be able to install new packages in R in Jupyter in Domo anymore. In Domo the documentation, it shows an example of installing 'SentimentAnalysis' using install.packages(). When I try that, or any other package, I get this warning: Warning message:“unable to access index for repository…
Jupyter Workspace Page - Should Support ID search
The Domo Jupyter workspace listing page https://{instance}.domo.com/ai-services/jupytershould include the ability to search and display the Jupyter WorkSpace ID This would make this implementation with other domo systems that can be accessed by ID.
Using Email in Jupyter Workspace - Python Scripts
Hi All, I was trying to trigger and send emails from the Jupyter workspaces. I have the list of emails to whom I need to send and I also have the subject and body of the email ready, but I'm not able to connect to the DOMO Notifications Email which is being used by Card alerts and Workflows to send out emails. Is there any…
Installing R Packages in Jupyter rstatix
I am able to install some R packages in my Jupyter Workspace (tidyverse, ggplot2), but others I hit a wall, getting an error like: “installation of package ‘rstatix’ had non-zero exit status” Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library' The current one I'm struggling with is rstatix, which is a pretty popular library and…
Data Science Access/Grant for Users in Magic ETL
We have users who use Magic ETL, but as admins we have users that should not have access to the features in the data science add-on. If there was a way to add a grant so we can revoke access to certain add-ons for users, this would be quite helpful.
Custom Pandas dtypes for Domo datasets
Pandas/numpy does not have a built in dtypes for some of the supported Domo data types. Perhaps domojupyter could extend the core pandas dtypes with some specific to Domo. for example DATE:
Jupyter Workspace upsert data with composite keys
Hello! I've been investigating domojupyter.write_dataframe to upsert data. My dataset has a composite key, two Integer columns. My suggestion is to make UPSERT in Jupyter consitent with other DOMO ingestion methods, by updating the domojupyter package to allow for composite keys. ie ["ItineraryId", "ItineraryItemId"]…
With the domojupyter.write_dataframe can you pass a specific schema?
Hi All, Am trying to write a DataFrame to a dataset using the domojupyter.write_dataframe function. The df in question has a field that is a Boolean, when I run the script and then check the output dataset in the domo Data section, the field has been created as an Integer and the entire column is blank. Question is, can…
Data format from Jupyter to Dataset
I'm facing the issue of transforming the dataframe to domo dataset. I have cleaned dataset, merge, join etc and make my dataframe beatifull, then the issue happen when I export by the domo.write_dataframe, the domo dataset change the the format of dataframe and it definitely not what I want. What a waste if we have to…
Properly Writing Back to Output?
Hey, first time Domo Jupyter user, and a new Python user. I'm having a difficult time exporting my data to a new dataset. From this: I keep encountering this error: /home/domo/.conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/domojupyter/io.py:125: FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future…
Jupyter Notebooks Python - Dates
Hi Domo Experts, I'm having issues writing back dates into a dataset from a pandas dataframe in Juptyer notebooks. I have a datetime column , which I've converted from a string using pandas.to_datetime. However, when I use domojuypiter.write_dataframe, they are converted back into string in the Domo dataset. My dataframe…
Consistent data loading between {rdomo} and {domojupyter}
Hi, Thanks for developing this great product, especially the R libraries that allow to interact with Domo. However, I've noticed that {rdomo} and {domojupyter} do not have the same behaviour when loading datasets with empty character values - Wheareas {rdomo} replaces empty entries with "" (zero length string),…
NEW Domo Data Science Resources Guide (help w/ Jupyter, scripting tiles, data science tiles, AutoML)
Hi all, I'm a data scientist at Domo on the Data Science Professional Services Team. We have a NEW Domo Data Science Resources Guide. The guide includes a list of all the help resources Domo has created related to data science products (Jupyter Workspaces, Magic ETL R/Python scripting tiles, Magic ETL data science tiles, &…
Can we get more packages added to Python Scripting tiles?
I could really use pandas-datareader in an ETL. I know it's available in Jupyter Workspace, but its availability in a Magic ETL would be convenient for me.
Network Access from MagicETL?
Am I correct in surmising that whatever environment runs Domo's MagicETLs restricts internet connectivity? I've got a few Jupyter workspaces that a colleague has set up to do various things with our data--mostly normal/conventional stuff, but he's also doing a few things that require network access, like sending emails,…
update the Datacenter sidebar and Dataflows UI to show Jupyter Notebooks
if i didn't know i owned Domo Juypter, I would never know it because it's not obvious in the UI. consider adding icons in the DataCenter and Dataflows Quick Filters if the feature is available
Add the ability to tag Jupyter dataflows
Currently it's not possible to assign any tag for Jupyter dataflows.