New Data Privacy Solution - Beta Testers Wanted
Domo has partnered with Anonomatic (Anonomatic | Protecting PII for Data Privacy and Compliance) to enable Domo customers to combine, aggregate or mask anonymous data at the individual level with no risk of loss or exposure of PII. With the PII Vault and Anonomatic's plugins for Domo Workbench Workbench can now completely…
Datasets - Pending Certification Tick Mark
Hi Team, It would be great if you can create a feature to show the pending certification tick mark when we select datasets from the menu, this will help us to know which dataset we have submitted for certification(Pending Certification Status). This feature will help us to know, which one we need to work on. Instead of…
Links to Input/Output Datasets in Magic ETL Editor
Oftentimes I find myself having to open a new tab to navigate to the various input and output datasets when in the editing canvas for a Magic ETL. It would be nice if there were a link that would open the dataset in a new tab somewhere on the configuration dialog that appears after selecting the tile.
Period-Over-Period % Change in Multi-Value / Single Value Gauge
Hi all, Still new to DOMO (4~ months) so just learning the ropes. Please point me in the right direction if this is posted incorrectly or if im possibly not understanding something! I'm trying to accomplish a simple Period-over-Period % Change calculation and it looks like this is an ongoing question/problem and I…
Confirmation Notification after resolving 'Failed to Load Data for ...'
Depending on your settings and business structure, there's notifications that get emailed out whenever a dataset fails in updating. Most of the recipients of these emails wouldn't be technical/in Domo backend and so it would be nice that when a dataset is able to import/connect again, a confirmation notification is then…
relating beastmode IDs between datasets
relating beastmode IDs between datasets Hello! I am having trouble relating beast mode ID between two datasets: the user logs and a Beast mode dataset available via the Domo governance dataset connector (https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056318074-Domo-Governance-Datasets-Connector). In the "beast modes with…
DataSet DataFlow Trigger Queue is Needed
A DataSet or DataSets are identifed to trigger a DataFlow to run. However, if the DataFlow is already running and the identified DataSet(s) complete to trigger the DataFlow to run, the DataFlow will NOT re-run upon completion. It would be great if Domo had a queue where it would identify that the DataFlow was triggered…
Hyperlink from Card to connected Dataset
There was a similar post on this a few years ago but my request is slightly different. It was number: 32091. On the data card view you can go to "Connect / Update Data" to see what dataset is powering the card. Is it possible to make it a hyperlink to the actual Dataset. My process right now is duplicate the window and…
smart Backfill support for partition-enabled datasets
I believe the GA connectors were enhanced courtesy of an organization Oleksii worked for to support backfill. i.e. the connector could be configured to go back to X point in time and the connector would automatically backfill history. It would be nice to see a similar feature supported for partition-enabled datasets. Ex I…
Write your own SQL in Dataset Views
It would be ideal to be able to write your own SQL in the Dataset Views UI. The process for defining views can be very slow especially if you want to add a calculated aggregated column AFTER you've applied the GROUP BY clause -- because you'd have to ungroup the VIEW, define the calculated column, then reapply the…
Breaking data per month viewed per week
Hi DOMO - Good Morning! we have a data that shows per week data per resource. and we only have 2 date columns which starts from Sunday and ends on a Saturday. the total hours, and daily hours have all been already grouped by using magic etl.…
Mass dataset change on duplicated cards
I was using one dataset to create all of my dashboards and cards, but I had to split it up into smaller datasets for performance. Now I need to duplicate all of the dashboards with duplicated cards and change the dataset on each one. I would like to see a way to change selected cards to a new dataset. I saw the post about…
Dummy dataset for demos and internal use
It would be great if we could have Domo setup "out of the box" with a dummy (i.e. fully public, anonymised) dataset we can refer back to for demos and tests. This would prevent us from having to take existing data & sterilise it for use in presentations and tests. We can become familiar with this data and improve our…