Is Certified Field
Hi Team, It would be great if we have a field to track if a card and Dataset is Certified or not? Thank You, Kiran Cheruku
How to group rows and make columns that count specific values?
Hi! This is a difficult one to give a title but basically, here is what I am trying to do: I have a dataset that combines a dataset of user profiles and a dataset of our assets that are assigned to each user. What this does is make it so every single entry for a user's individual assets gets its own row. So basically, if…
How to remove a decimal in an area dimension column?
I have a column that showing the dimensions of a unit. 5x5, 5x10, etc.. the column is in a text format and the data is coming in to Domo in a strange way, it looks like: What I want is just the more standard: 5x5, 5x10, 5x15, etc.. In the ETL how could i get rid of the .0?
Maximum Number of Rows that Can Be Displayed on a Card
In a card, the data display is limited to 100,000 rows, but if the DataSet has 1,000,000 rows of data, does anyone know which of the following will happen? 1) If the data after filtering is within 100,000 rows, it can be displayed normally. 2)Regardless of the content of the filter, the error of over 100,000 rows will be…
How to find number of data sources and magic ETL used in Dataset
Hi Team, We are trying to create a report with list of datasets with data sources used in that data sets and magic ETL used in that data set. Is there any way to pull this information ?
How can we find data sources and magic ETL used in dataset ?
Hi Team, How can we find total data sources used in our dataset with all magic ETL used for that data sources ? Is there any way to pull datasources and magic ETL used in data set ?
More easily jump to a Dataset's Dataflow
When in a Dataset I want to easily jump to the dataflow that created the Dataset. It's sort of hidden over here. Why not move the "Edit Etl" down to this section?
See underlying data sources for a dashboard
**posted in wrong topic but leaving up because of the answer** I'm looking for a quick way to go to a dashboard and then find out which data sources are being used for any of the cards on that dashboard. If that dashboard has something like 20 cards it would be nice to be able to see a list of the data sources used. I know…
See underlying data sources for a dashboard
I'm looking for a quick way to go to a dashboard and then find out which data sources are being used for any of the cards on that dashboard. If that dashboard has something like 20 cards it would be nice to be able to see a list of the data sources used. I know I can go to the data source, and then see which cards it is…
How do I get support for the Workfront data connector
I have a connection to workfront that has stopped working. The history suggests reaching out to Workfront, but workfront said to contact domo. I guess the connectors are supplied by third parties? I haven't been able to google up the identity of the third-party provider. Also, was unsuccessful in creating a Domo support…
How do I open the datasource editor
I'm trying to edit a dataconnrctor by following the directions for 'Editing a Datasource from the home page' found here: https://support.google.com/datastudio/answer/7178497#zippy=%2Cin-this-article. (1) Sign in to Data Studio. (2) At the top of the Data Studio home page, click Data Sources. (3) Browse or search for the…
Trying to condense / group rows to remove nulls, any help appreciated
Hello, I am working on a data flow that needs to perform various substring functions to isolate data from a large xml string. I have gotten it close, where the data is linked to the log / time / user in in the sql database, and i am able to separate values into appropriately named columns. I would like to know if/how to…
Governance datasets with Dataset source name
Hi , we are using the azure gen2 data connector, is there a governance dataset that contains directory name and Select File name . so we are not duplicating the same dataset twice. i have looked in the Gov Datasets and i cant find any field that relates to the settings section.
Google sheets alternative? Migration Strategy
We have been on a google based email platform since getting DOMO, we have utilized the google sheets connector to connect and import several datasets for ETLs and cards. We will be migrating away from google based email and will have Microsoft office 365 moving forward. Admittedly, I don't have much of exposure to anything…
Historic Gas Price Datasets
I'm looking for a dataset that has historical gas price averages at a state or county level. I was able to pull in National level data but I'm looking for more granularity to create something similar to Gas Buddy or AAA's heat maps.
Overwriting an Existing DataSet with Workbench
In our team, we have a couple of engineers developing in Workbench on different PCs. When I exported a job from one Workbench, imported it to another Workbench on a different PC and ran it, another DataSet with the same name was created. Is there anything I can do to overwrite and update the existing DataSet?
Data Warehouse Summary Values
Can someone tell me what is counted as 'DOMO MAGIC DATA' in the summary metrics shown in the top right of the data warehouse screen? I've read the documentation on the Data Warehouse page and watched the little video but it doesn't specify what that is counting. I originally thought it was dataflows so I created a test…
Deleting a batch
I have 2 batches in a dataset that need to be deleted. The batches are easy to identify and the 2 just need to be wiped out entirely. I am wondering if it is possible to just go in a delete a batch, and what would be the best way to do this?
Configuration Options for Dataset Copy Dataset Connector
I need to copy a dataset from one instance to another. On the first run, I need to copy the entire dataset. Subsequently, only the new/delta data in the source needs to get appended to the dataset in the other instance. I would like to avoid loading a complete refresh to the destination dataset every time new data is added…
Calculate Total Rows of all datasets in an instance
Hi, What DomoStats datasets should I use to figure out total rows of all datasets in a Domo instance? I downloaded DomoStats DataSets and DataFlows App from App Store. But I couldn't find any datasets that contain fields related to row info. Thank you!
Formula failing to convert value from a type string to a type date
I think I need some help with the order of operations on this. I have recursive dataflow for Yelp data. I am trying to create a 'metric date' column by 1st, Splitting the ' FILE_NAME' column date example 'security_public_storage_account_time_range_report_11_1_2021_to_11_30_2021.xls Then in the next Tile I am using the Add…
Help on recursive dataflow
I have a recursive dataflow that keeps getting hung up from an issue on the join between the recursiveprod and the main data that is being groupby. The error it is showing is DUPLICATE COLUMN NAMES. So I go and change the column name and i am able to get it to run. it then takes that new unique column name and adds back in…
Importing Data into Domo from our Connectors
A lot of our data sources are becoming fairly large over a few million rows, and we have noticed refresh speeds getting much slower. I think the solution is to have data appended as of last import rather than replace the whole thing? But I'm curious to know if anyone else has a better solution?
Possible To Update All Cards On A Dash At Once?
Hi - seeking recommendations on a faster/better way to update datasets and dimensions for all cards on a dashboard. Currently clicking through each card (80+ on one dash) to update to a new dataset, and also to remove a filter. Going to add a dash-level filter once all the card-level filters are removed, but wondering if…
How to reactivate a dataflow disabled from inactivity?
I have a fairly comprehensive dataflow. Most of the datasets that are a part of this dataflow update nightly, but there are some others that only get updated monthly due to limitations in how we get the data then how it gets in to Domo. We use the email connector and when we receive the statement once a month email it via…
Domo Date dataset
It's been a couple since I've been in Domo. But when I had it a couple of years ago I distinctly recall Domo having a dataset that had all the dates in it up to like 2030. This way if I had a dataset that I wanted to join by Date I could leverage this dataset to fill in any gaps that my other datasets could have. Does…
Workbench | Multiple Accounts in One DOMO Instance
Hi, Is it possible to create multiple accounts to use in Workbench in one instance? This is because we have different permission/rights based on our roles. For example, scenario: We are using one server to upload on premise data - for security and refresh schedule. User 1 has workbench rights and can upload sales data.…
Dataset upload by sending email attached excel file
Hello, I heard that it is possible to set that if I send email attached the excel data and it can be uploaded the Dataset in Domo instance owned by the dataset owner. It seems that the Dataset is automatically uploaded by only sending excel file by email. Could you let me know how to do it? Do I need apps etc? Thank you.
Reconnecting Disconnected Output DataSets and Cards
We are developing under several accounts (e.g. Dev1 and Dev2). In order to organize the ownership, I have changed the ownership of some pages and cards to one account (Dev2 > Dev1). Then the connection between the DataSet and the card got disconnected and the card is no longer visible. For the card with a direct connection…