How to Find # Customers with X Miles
Hi Team, I'm hoping to find the number of customers within a given radius of a given business location. For example, how can I find how many of our customers are within 50 miles? What about within 100 miles? In order to capture ##% of our customers, how many miles do we need to travel? These are the types of questions I'm…
Bulk Add Filter Cards into a Layout
Currently when adding your page filters as Cards to a new App/Dashboard the fastest way to add multiple is to 1. Create New Card 2. Select Dataset 3. Change Chart Type to Filter 4. Add Dimension 5. Save 6. Click on the card & Save As whatever your next filter name will be 7. Open the new card 8. Change the dimension/beast…
Add a visual indicator to Drillable cards
It would be great if cards that had drill paths enabled had some kind of badge or visible indicator that would communicate to the user that there is a drill path enabled on the card. Right now the only way to know is to try clicking on the card. A lot of functionality and usefulness can end up being hidden behind what…
Form Card - Select options linked to a dataset or mass paste of items instead of one at a time
When entering options available in a form, the only option is to manually type options one at a time. It would be cool to select a dataset, especially unique values. That way the selection list is dynamic and easy to link up. Otherwise, at least an option to paste all options in at one time instead of having to type each…
Table Column Display Type Link - Open in New Tab
I find myself not using the new feature to display a text column in a table as a link because it opens in the same tab. It would be nice if the default of this new feature was to open in a new tab, since I don't know anybody that would want to open it in the same tab anyway. Alternatively, you could add an option to open…
Disassociate 'Card Name' with 'Dashboard Card Name'
I would like the ability to change the title of a card on a dashboard without it renaming the card everywhere in Domo. Often when the card is on the dashboard it has additional context surrounding it to give it meaning and this allow the card title to use a more concise title such as 'Revenue'. The problem is that doing…
Cumulative Sum for the Year on a table card
I want to create a table card that has a line for each month-year for all sales and show total $ for the month, a running total of $ for the year (up to that point), total quantity sold for the month, and a running total of quantity sold for the year (up to that point). Example: Month-Year | Monthly $| Running $ | Monthly…
AVG() Beastmode Handling 0s?
Hi All, If have a dataset with duplicate IDs (required) and a metric - let's call it "total apples" against each ID (so also duplicated) The goal is to get the average of this meric but only considering the trend of distinct IDs overtime. I've labelled each distinct ID (using row_number over create date partition by id)…
Customizable Average Calculation
I have a graph that calculates the hours of different job types. Since DOMO has a label feature for %_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY, it would be helpful if DOMO could add in the grid line settings an option to allow users to choose different options for calculating the average. In this example we are calculating the average value in…
Combining Filtered Rows to one table
Hello, I am using one dataset for all three cards shown below. I have them on separate cards right now as they each are filtered to different things. Is there a way I can combine them so they would all show on one card/table together with one heading but show the three rows one under another with their filters still…
DOMO card color rule set but not working
I made 2x pie chart cards both with a simple set of rules for when one beastmode column "status3" (number column type) is =3, the pie chart slice would turn red, =2 it would turn orange and so on. The issue is that that when I checked on it the color rules were not being enforced correctly. The slice of the pie that was =2…
Area Chart 2025-2028
Hi I am trying to do an area chart which I have on an excel. I have $ values per year, and the series would be "Field Life Cycle" so for example, E&A, Development, Production. When I look at doing an area chart or even a bar chart, how can I add in more than one year? It only lets me add in 'Sum of 2025' for example, but I…
Isolate Card Visualization on a dashboard page to exclude a page filter
The scenario: » I have a dashboard page with 10 cards. 9 of them are single KPI cards. the 10 card is a vertical bar chart (y-axis=Date, x-axis=Spend) » I don't want Filter cards, because I need the ability for users to save their own Filter views. » Using Page Filters, users can select a client or date range. which should…
Restore Card Version
Currently only a picture of the prior version of a card is being stored and there's no way to easily recreate or restore a specific version of a card. It'd save a lot of time if there was a way to restore to a specific card version like there is with dataflows.
Allow table cards to control more than one filter at a time.
The idea for this post comes from DOMO support # 05895045 When you click on any card to create a page filter, the card becomes the 'controller' for that filter. Currently DOMO only supports table cards that control one filter at a time. The original issue we observed was with pivot tables removing all filters when we tried…
Allow Table Cards to Control More Than One Filter at a Time
I received feedback from a stakeholder who was using a dashboard with multiple cards on it. They applied the default filter for their dashboard, and then applied a filter in the first card by selecting a specific Team Member #. When they navigate to another card and apply a filter. The default filter as well as the filter…
How can I only show the top 3 in the bar graph?
Hi, I made this bar graph ( For example, number of people who likes flavor of ice cream) and I only want to show the top 3 flavors. How can I filter that? Thank you.
Revert Sort Icons Update in Card Analyzer
Anyone else hate the new sort icons in analyzer? When Domo updated their icons last month across the platform, they deployed these new sorting icons in analyzer: To me, these icons make no sense. First, ascending means larger data as you go down, so the icon having smaller lines as it goes down is opposite, and vice versa…
HTML Beast Mode help
Is there a way to add a colored line below a number value on a card? or even a "line break" colored line? I am trying to use beast mode/html to create a blue line to add below the SUM value of the card. I am currently using a single value card with: 'CONCAT( SUM(Actual_Count), ' <hr style="border: 3px solid #30B0E0; width:…
Publish a dashboard or app as a draft with collaborative reviewing features
Publish a dashboard or app as a draft and include some features before it's launched as a live page. Similar to a type of certification, but specifically around an entire dashboard/app collaborative building experience. Annotations on various elements of the page - headers, sections, clicking on a card and adding a note to…
Card direct impact
It would be helpful to have another level of information before deleting cards which showed the cards direct impact. Our team recently learned the hard way that when viewing cards used from a dataset, it does not show if a card is only located on someone's Overview page. So, when you look at the card information it appears…
Switch Order of Period over Period Chart
I'm afraid the answer is no - but is it possible to switch the order of a Period over Period Chart? I want "Year to date" on the far left, followed by 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago.
Is there a list of API or endpoints to use in code engine?
I recently got a requirement to get the images of a card, someone from DOMO gave a function to get the card images as pdf, if there is any list of endpoints or API's listed in any documentation it will be helpful to create our own code Engine functions. please let me know if there are any documentations available for this.
Help figuring out how to get a data set to work with a funnel
For context the data set image linked is a representation of the data I am working with to protect our real customer data. I do not have the ability to reformat the data coming in, only use magic ETL and SQL transformations to convert this data into the format it needs to be in. I can not find a way to make the funnels…
Lock Cards by default when created
Dear all, When a new card is created please lock it by default instead of keeping it unlocked. Thank you. Best Regards, Tejal
How to create a card via the DOMO Card API
Referring to this API: which could definitely benefit from more clarity and cohesion in its documentation. In particular I have been unable to do POST requests for creating a card. I have obtained the authorisation token already, and are able to perform other requests such as updating a dataset. I'm not sure if it's due to…
Request for Auto Height Option for Cards to Improve UX
Hello Domo Team, I would like to request an enhancement that allows setting the height of a card to "auto" instead of a fixed pixel value. Problem: Currently, when we develop apps & forms and embed them as cards in Domo, we face a major usability issue: The card has a fixed height, so if the app inside the card is longer,…
Filter Interactions with other Filters
Dear Domo Support, We can set filters interacting with other filters in a dashboard. However, when we change a filter selection, the selections in the other filters are as is and this can show invalid or no data in the cards. Here's the filter interaction scenario. We have 4 filters. Filter 1 interacts with filters 2, 3,…