Month Name in Control is ordered alphabetically, how to get the Month in the right order?
I have a column 'Month Name' and set it as 'Display as Quick Filter' so that the end users can use the filter to pick the Month they want in a card. However, the Month is not in the right order (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.). I'm not sure how to do it with Quick Filter/Control?
Provider Prior to Upgrade
I am trying to determine who provided the evaluation prior to an upgraded premium procedure. I have all the data I could ever need, but I'm not sure of the logic to make it happen. The task is made more difficult because there could be multiple evaluations prior to a procedure, and evaluations on different dates than the…
Have Smart Text show exact time data set was updated
Pretty straightforward. I want to show a datetime stamp instead of a relative time for the Smart Text that tells when a data set was updated. This is super annoying when users want to screenshot/export/whatever.…
Drill Down while maintaining breadth
I want to be able to interact with a card wherein the scope of the x-axis (time in this case) is sticky, but the series changes. Right now, if you drill down to a point on the x-axis, such as a year, it drills down to the year. Is it possible to drill "across" to a separate series? I understand that the Drill Down isn't…
Multiple results encountered for the same location in Pivot Table indicated by ****
Attached is a sample of my data. I am trying to create a pivot table with the following: Rows: location, week, date, shift Columns: count(unique identifier), count(unique identifier) * shift length In my ETL, I created a formula to handle empty values. It determines whether a shift was 8 hours or 10 hours, based on a…
Support for second axis on horizontal grouped bar charts
Vertically-oriented grouped bar charts support a second axis, making it easy to include data from two series that have very different values. Horizontally-oriented grouped bar charts inexplicably do not support this functionality. This seems quite silly, since they're the exact same visualization, just turned the other way.
Calendar View does not display with one day's worth of data
Hi team, A customer reached out because they noticed that all of their Calendar cards changed today, and they no longer displayed the calendar. We found that this was because the date range was set to "Year to Date" and since it's January 1st, the card only had 1 day's worth of data. Because of this, the data displayed in…
Edit Annotations
I would benefit from the ability to edit annotations. Currently the only option is to delete an annotation and create a new one.
Show a warning when editing a card that is on multiple pages/apps/etc.
Just as there is a warning when editing dashboards that are embedded externally, there should be a warning when editing cards that appear on multiple dashboards. Ideally it would say "You are editing a card that exists across x pages" then the x is a link you can hover and a popup there would show all the pages it is on. I…
Max Slice before 'Other' Pie Chart but applies to Line Chart?
So I have a field called 'title' and there's like 100 unique value in there. When using the pie chart I just want to see top 7 slices/title that has the highest Pie Value. Is it possible to do the same with line chart where X= date, Y = pie value, Series = title (but only showing top 7 titles that has most Pie Value?).
Change Column Name Based on a Date Selected in Drop-Down Filter
Do you know if it is possible to change a column name or add the date to an existing column name based on the date filter selected. Example: If the column name is Actual Monthly and I select a reporting period filter of 09-30-2024, is there a way to have the date populate in the column name on the fly?
Card and Page Tags
It would great if Domo had label/tag functionality on cards and pages so that they can be more easily organized and navigated through. For example, it would be great to be able to tag all cards and pages with the name of the department they belong to. Another example would be tagging all cards and pages with the topic area…
Fix the buggiest card type in Domo: The Text Card
Text cards are so incredibly buggy. Text randomly deletes. Text updates don't save. You hit backspace once while typing and it blanks out the entire card. Formatting doesn't save after being applied. They are so so buggy. And they seem to be even more buggy when used in App Studio.
Overlapping Date Beast Mode
Hi everyone! For context, I am making a card that flags overlapping contract dates. I want to make sure that the first order finishes its duration first before having another order. I only want to partition the overlap flag by customer and by the same business unit. Please see the Excel visualization sample I made below.…
How to Display Repeated Values in a pivot table?
Running into an issue where a pivot table suppresses a repeated value while in a different group. In the image, I am needing the Care Level "CS" to display "Enhanced Studio" in the "Unit Type" column for unit 237. Currently it is suppressing since the above value is the same… Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
To re-enable sort and reverse sort on the Pivot table
A customer via product feedback, would like to request that Domo re-enables the capability to sort and reverse sort on value columns when there are multiple fields in the "rows" area and subtotals are turned off. So I thought I should post it here on behalf of them. "I used to be able to sort and reverse sort on different…
How to resolve dead space area on a Dashboard?
While creating and editing a new dashboard and cards, somehow, I managed to create a dead space that seems to be un-editable. I can't add cards or do anything in this area no matter what I have tried (moving cards to appendix, removing cards things around the area, manipulating size and borders, refreshing, etc.) and was…
Filtering on missing / null values is awful - improve it!
TLDR: If a column contains a null value, there is no way built into the UI to filter to select null values only. Additionally, if you happen to choose "NOT IN" as your filter type and select a value, NULL values will additionally be excluded even if not requested. I understand that there is a workaround using beastmodes,…
Group Total - Aggregated Series
Community, Is it possible to have a drill down that retains the prior level's aggregated top-level value? I.e. I want to be able to drill down from an overview, into a series specific break out (And here's the kicker) while maintaining an additional series that displays the group total from the prior drill down. For…
Card/Dashboard Details for Apps (Last Updated, etc)
Cards and dashboards that are in Apps are visible in the Admin area where non-App card and dashboard details currently reside however, there is no detail related to the cards or dashboards. The only detail available is what cards are on the dashboard in Apps and not when it was updated, viewed, etc. We would like to see…
App Studio - Move/Copy Card Functionality
I love that in the Admin > Cards area it now shows "Dashboards and App Pages" for card locations. A further "nice to have" enhancement would be to see the App title listed under Move/Copy when looking at a cards settings. In this example- I know this particular card is both in my overview and on our Analytics Hub app.…
Move multiple cards from 1 tab to another tab in the same App?
Is there any option to move multiple cards from 1 tab to another all at once? I don't want to create a duplicates of cards.
Icon Library for Table/Pivot Cards
Currently, html is required in order to display icons dynamically based on a range in a table card. It would be great if there was instead an icon library available in table cards (and pivot tables) where icons could be selected from the library and then assigned to a range through the configuration properties of the…
Get rid of Warning message in Pie Chart
Is there any way to get rid of this Warning? I am intended to show the numbers as negative though.
Inline Editing App improvements
Hi team, One of our customers pointed out some difficulties when using the Inline Editing app, and offered a few suggestions for improvement: 1. Creating a New Card - It doesn't seem possible to create a new card from the Asset Library, and the error "Invalid Client ID" appears, which can easily cause confusion: I believe…
Custom Border Options Between Cards
In other BI tools, developers can customize borders such as vertical and horizontal borders, to help visual differentiate them. This feature is especially useful for clients who prefer to have clear visual separation between cards in their dashboards. Currently, Domo lacks this level of border customization. Implementing…
Defaulting a dashboard view to specific users
I'm working on a dashboard that includes a dropdown and a table chart. I want to set it up so that users can see a default view based on a specific value selected from the dropdown, but I need them to be unable to modify the dropdown or filter the data themselves. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this? Specifically,…
Is there a way to change the order of the color key so that it matches the order lines?
Legend right next to its Lines?
Is it possible to have the legends next to its representative lines?