How can I create an automated email with specified details about a record/row?
I'm trying to create a daily automated email for our media team that includes the top media mentions of our university. They want to have the following details for our top 5-10 performing stories similar to the format below for each mention grouped by the record/mention. [Outlet name] | [Media mention date] [News headline…
Domo Packaged Apps Activity Visibility
I would like to see the Object ID's and their respective activity exposed in DomoStats data sets. As a specific use-case, we are looking to identify all associated Datasets, Cards & Pages embedded in Domo Campaigns, and their respective recent activity, to influence our archiving processes. At the moment, this is a…
ETL - How to spread a Budget over two dates within a variable date range.
I have various start and end dates for campaigns. I know how to calculate the # of days between any get set of dates. But, what I am trying to set up in the etl is this - if I have a budget amount, start date and end date, what is the easiest way for me to have the etl calculate the division of the budget over the given…
How do I use the "is in" filter in Domo Campaigns Markup Language?
I have read this page on Domo campaigns and distribution lists: . I see that "is in" is a filter option to include multiple possible values in a filter, but I can't figure out the correct way to write the list of options without having an error in the campaign. I've tried several ways including the following: <dataset…
How to retrieve e-mail campaign information via API
Hey all, I have been trying to get information about e-mail campaigns running on my organization's Domo instance. I have been able to find the information needed through a GET request at the following endpoint: https://campaigns-prod.domolabs.io/api/v1/email/campaigns/ However, I struggle to authenticate correctly. I tried…
Adding Image to Campaigns Email Body with CSS Enforcement
Hi Domo Wizards, I am generating an email campaign using CSS for both my email body and for the attachment. For the email body, I want to add my company's logo to the email using CSS to place it exactly where I want it. How do I go about doing this? So far, I have uploaded the logo using a Doc Card but I seem to have…
Add support for CONTAINS operand to campaign filters
The list of operands supported by campaigns is very limited in flexibility. We have a need to use a pattern matching expression where a column contains a value. MY_COLUMN CONTAINS -::- 123456 -::-
I am trying to use Campaigns but in that campaign settings are not loading
Adding Distribution List Column Value to Campaign for Each Email
Hello, I was wondering how I could add one of the column values for each row in the distribution list to the email's body and attachment. For my case, I have a column called 'NAME' as the recipient's name in my distribution list. I want to have that for each email, I want to start with 'Hi {{NAME}}…' in the email body and…
Campaign App Dataset Usage
Campaigns in the app started failing because some datasets could not be accessed. Datasets were showing the message "This Dataset has not been accessed in a while…" While clicking the Start button resolved the issue, I would ask that the Campaign App be updated so that it flags the dataset as accessed. Sometimes the only…
Campaigns App - Campaign Version Control
For individual campaigns in Campaigns App, to have version controls similar to that of Dataflows. So that you can revert your Campaigns to previous versions should you need to.
Campaigns App - Domo Markup Language in Distribution Lists
Hello, Are there escape characters in the domo markup language? I am using the markup language operand "Is in" to filter email attachment datasets based on the recipient in the Campaigns App. I run into problems when the data values I need to filter on include commas. For example… Recipient A's email attachment needs to…