Ability to duplicate page in App Studio

Anna_Otake Contributor
edited May 2024 in App Studio Ideas

I know we can currently import an existing dashboard into App Studios but it will be very helpful if we can duplicate a page in App Studios. I've made a couple of edits on one of my pages and wanted to duplicate it but we don't currently have that option in DOMO.

25 votes

Implemented · Last Updated

This feature has been released and can be accessed using the Import app pages option under pages and navigation to import multiple app pages into your app from any app.


  • @fnukhushboo Do you know what the status is on the update you mentioned regarding importing app pages? Is there an ETA yet on when the change will be reflected in our instances? Our team will need this feature in the next week or two and it would make a huge difference in the amount of work required for a large project. Thanks!

  • khushboo_
    khushboo_ Domo Product Manager

    @user050498 This is still something that is being worked on. We don't have an ETA for the release at the moment, unfortunately. But we hope to get this enhancement out soon in the upcoming months. Currently, as a workaround you can use multi select feature to select contents on a page and add it to another page in the app!

  • Hi - following up on this. Is there an updated ETA on the release of this feature?

  • Anna_Otake
    Anna_Otake Contributor

    Hi! Following up on this - is this going to be available in the next App Studio update?

  • This would be extremely helpful.

  • khushboo_
    khushboo_ Domo Product Manager

    Hello everyone! Apologies on the delay. We're currently slated to release this feature to everyone in January.

  • Any specific date in month of January?

  • I was notified that voting was closed on this idea, but there's been no update on development. Is there a new ETA?

  • Status says this feature is still under development on feb 5th 2025. Do we have a new date by when this will be available?

  • khushboo_
    khushboo_ Domo Product Manager

    Hi, you can access this feature using the new Import app pages feature released. Under pages and navigation, click on Import and select app pages - this should allow you to select any app (current app as well) and import not just one, but multiple app pages at once into your app. You can choose to duplicate your content or not using this flow.